Sounds good! I think it's pretty interesting. Maybe it could be used as a reversed response to more modern openings!
Creating my own opening?

I just made this one up as well, All the variations except for black taking in the center give white the advantage. I played a 200 ELO with this opening and I won.

Hi! You can always innovate in openings, but I would say you might improve on a known variation instead of creating a complete new one. All main first moves have been analyzed and have even a name.
On the other hand, opening research is very time consuming so I would not recommend you doing so unless you are an advanced player.
Just for your information, here is a link to a post with my experience with openings you might be interested in checking out:
Good luck!
The main Idea is to Sacrifice the knight for a strong center and develop your pieces quickly.
This is just the main position you want while playing this