Good, Busch-Gass Gambit
Busch-Gass Gambit
After 4. Nxc6, either 4...dc 5. Qxd8 Kxd8 6. d4, or....
4. Nxc6 bc 5. d4 is bad for Black. White is up a Pawn with a full center and no weaknesses. At least that's how I see it.
No -- I thought Black's d-pawn was clear. 4. Nxc6 dc 5. Be2 seems safe, though. Still up a pawn and Black doesn't seem to have a concrete threat?
Instead of 3...Nc6, can Black just play 3...Qh4 threatening both checkmate at f2 and the e4-pawn? Seems more productive for me than 3...Nc6.
Instead of 3...Nc6, can Black just play 3...Qh4 threatening both checkmate at f2 and the e4-pawn? Seems more productive for me than 3...Nc6.
True. It produces a lost game after 4.d4 Qxe4+ 5.Be3.
Usually, when one says (or in this case write) can or seems, one means this as a supposition. I just gave the idea a very mere thought. So easy with the attitude K
After 3...Nc6, is there anything wrong with 4. Nc3! (?)
After 4...Qh4 (black's only try because Nf6 will just lead to a variation of the Boden-Kieseritsky Gambit a move down and Nxe5 is hit by 5.d4) 5.g3 5...Qf6 6.Nf3 White is doing fine and seems to be a plain pawn up.
Carlsen won a blitz game pretty convincingly in this position:
Carlsen won a blitz game pretty convincingly in this position:
What is your point? From what exact position?
Carlsen won a blitz game pretty convincingly in this position:
What is your point? From what exact position?
Carlsen won a game with White in that position you posted.
Im a fan of strange and obscure openings, so just wondering bout this opening, whether it is playable or just plain stupid. Thanks for your comments.