
Bongcloud Opening Book


1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 Kf2!

I think this would work, but I'm not sure since I've started studying the Bongcloud and would love a good explanation regarding the general themes (like why you want to rush your king to the other side of the board for example).

Please don't get mad at me if I said something stupid.

FianchettoThis wrote:

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 Kf2!


I think this would work, but I'm not sure since I've started studying the Bongcloud and would love a good explanation regarding the general themes (like why you want to rush your king to the other side of the board for example).

Please don't get mad at me if I said something stupid.

This is the "King's Gambit Accepted: Tumbleweed" and has got an ECO code. Search "Tumbleweed" in the Book Openings.

pauix wrote:
FianchettoThis wrote:

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 Kf2!


I think this would work, but I'm not sure since I've started studying the Bongcloud and would love a good explanation regarding the general themes (like why you want to rush your king to the other side of the board for example).

Please don't get mad at me if I said something stupid.

This is the "King's Gambit Accepted: Tumbleweed" and has got an ECO code. Search "Tumbleweed" in the Book Openings.

Oh, okay, thanks. I only posted it because it wasn't listed anywhere on this forum.

FianchettoThis wrote:
pauix wrote:
FianchettoThis wrote:

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 Kf2!


I think this would work, but I'm not sure since I've started studying the Bongcloud and would love a good explanation regarding the general themes (like why you want to rush your king to the other side of the board for example).

Please don't get mad at me if I said something stupid.

This is the "King's Gambit Accepted: Tumbleweed" and has got an ECO code. Search "Tumbleweed" in the Book Openings.

Oh, okay, thanks. I only posted it because it wasn't listed anywhere on this forum.

You'd be surprised of how many King's Gambit variations involve moving your king before move 10.


Yeah, but most of them don't plan on having your king run around the board the entire game!


Sometimes moves that look really bad are really bad. Wasting a move, losing castling rights and making your king more exposed all in a single move is quite an achievement. For the opponent.

Elroch wrote:

Sometimes moves that look really bad are really bad. Wasting a move, losing castling rights and making your king more exposed all in a single move is quite an achievement. For the opponent.

 dude that is the point of the move to begin with, it works because black is compelled to play Qh4+ g3 fxg3+ Kg2 and now its almost as if white had castled, and with development in the white camp you get compensation for the pawns


This is my first true BongCloud win, but I may consider it a loss, because he resigned before I could get my king all the way to his back wall.  I was on the way, and should have promoted my pawn to a Knight instead of a Queen... I also need to figure out how to sacrifice more of my pieces so I can take his larger material pieces earlier.  Someone requested more Bongclouds initiated by Black... so I did it. =)


Queenside fianchetto?


this is jokes 


Aquajet17, that's quite the theoretical novelty!

The_Tracer wrote:

this is jokes 

well, what did you expect?  In the almost 2 million games in the masters' database, no one ever played 2. Ke2.




Top 10 reasons to play the Bongcloud (from "Winning with the Bongcloud" by BM Andrew Fabbro. BM stands for, no not that, for Bongcloudmaster, of course.):

10. Your current repertoire is too drawish.

9. You want to avoid the reams of theory needed to play the Najdorf or QGD by selecting an opening with less published thought.

8. "Everything is playable at the club level."

7. You are devoted to a de la Maza tactics regimen and don't want to waste time studying openings.

6. You are intimidated by openings with hard-to-pronounce names like Bogoljubov-Indian, Scheveningen Sicilian, Trompowsky, and Konstantinopolsky

5. Your current repertoire is too well-known in your club and you want to surprise your opponents.

4. You can't afford the full version of ChessBase and want an opening where all known games will fit in ChessBase Light's 32,000-game limit.

3. You're interested in an opening for which no GM or IM has published a refutation.

2. You’ve noticed that while dozens of people have published “Anti-Sicilian” books, there are far fewer “Anti-Bongcloud” books.

1. You’re high as a kite.

rigamagician wrote:

Here's a game apparently from an actual over-the-board tournament:


i thought this game had to be a joke. But it isn't:


My top ten

10. you hate standard openings

9. you want to play a true Kings Gambit

8. you play NN

7. Your opponent has a rating of a tooth brush(340, it beat my brother, befor that it was rated 53)

6. you listen to to much Blue Oyster Cult

5. The title you have seems to be Mr. or Ms. or Mrs.

4. you feel that by emulating Lenny_Bongcloud the chess gods will impart some exerstencial knowledge upon your mortal brain

3. the Latvian Gambit is a "safe opening"( you want to play an opening that requires a person to grow a pair)

2. The Nf3 sicillian is to common, instead you listen to Bobby Fischer

1. You are a red neck(sorry Jeff Foxworthy)


Actually, the Hammerschlag is quite solid once black's dark-squared-bishop is eliminated.

jetfighter13 wrote:

My top ten

10. you hate standard openings

9. you want to play a true Kings Gambit

8. you play NN

7. Your opponent has a rating of a tooth brush(340, it beat my brother, befor that it was rated 53)

6. you listen to to much Blue Oyster Cult

5. The title you have seems to be Mr. or Ms. or Mrs.

4. you feel that by emulating Lenny_Bongcloud the chess gods will impart some exerstencial knowledge upon your mortal brain

3. the Latvian Gambit is a "safe opening"( you want to play an opening that requires a person to grow a pair)

2. The Nf3 sicillian is to common, instead you listen to Bobby Fischer

1. You are a red neck(sorry Jeff Foxworthy)



What an awsome topic. I needed a good laugh today. 

A 36 page PDF file (zipped for no good reason)  "Winning with the Bongcloud" by BM Andrew Fabbro.