Accelerated panvov is somthing i have studied the least an i assume other caro players aswell unless there pretty high rated, tal variation is very aggressive in the advance and i hate the exchange variation. Somthing populare right now it seems is the exchange variation with Bd3
Best response to advanced caro kann?
Bf5 is better if you're willing to learn the theory, c5 is simpler, you still have to learn but much less
I used to play Bf5 but I didn’t like the positions I was getting so I switched to c5 and I enjoy the positions a lot more
Two NMs duke it out in a rapid game (25|5). It's very positional.
Dang it looks interesting! I’ll have to check it out.
1.e4 c6 2. d5 d6 3. e5 bf5 4 h4 e6 (after g4 and f3 the bishop is trapped)
4...h4 5c4 is what I have been looking to play, striking at the center, good space advantage, knight goes to c3 and f3 soon, bishop recaptures on d4, try not to move the bishop until he takes on d4 since after 5. c4 Nd7 6. Be2 dxc4 black wins a tempo on your bishop, not the end of the world but just be mindful. Just castle short and dont let the caro-kanner gain any space
I have never seen that. Interesting. Is it rarer?
much rarer.
I have never seen that. Interesting. Is it rarer?
much rarer.
Is it as "sound" as the other two?
I have never seen that. Interesting. Is it rarer?
much rarer.
Is it as "sound" as the other two?
I play 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Nf6 do you think i give two flips about soundness
I'm a Caro-Kann devotee. I don't believe in 3... Na6. It's playable, of course, and it has surprise value in rapid games, but I don't believe c7 is a good enough square for the knight to warrant spending two tempi to reach it.
I've also shifted from 3... Bf5 to 3... c5. I like the resulting positions more: I find they have more imbalances that give me better chances to play for a win. I know 3... c5 feels like a wasted tempo, but it really isn't one: in the 3... Bf5 lines, black almost always plays c5 a few moves later.
I'm a Caro-Kann devotee. I don't believe in 3... Na6. It's playable, of course, and it has surprise value in rapid games, but I don't believe c7 is a good enough square for the knight to warrant spending two tempi to reach it.
I've also shifted from 3... Bf5 to 3... c5. I like the resulting positions more: I find they have more imbalances that give me better chances to play for a win. I know 3... c5 feels like a wasted tempo, but it really isn't one: in the 3... Bf5 lines, black almost always plays c5 a few moves later.
I have been trying to shift from 3...Bf5 to 3...c5, but I cannot come to terms with closing out the LSB in some lines....
i completely stuck when i face advanced caro kann, any advices?