
Best Opening to learn for black?


What is the best opening I should learn for black?

Im not really a beginner im just not good at chess.


I recommend the following lines for players playing the Black side in the 1,000 ranking range.

Against 1.e4:

- Philidor

- French Defense

- Small Center Defense

*Bonus Line for Aggressive Players* - Stafford Gambit

Against 1.d4:


- Queen Gambit Accepted

- Dutch Stone Wall Attack

*Bonus Line for Aggressive Players* - Benko Gambit


You need to pick 1 Opening for Black against 1.e4 and 1 Opening for Black against 1.d4.


I usually recommend the sicilian regardless of your elo. I don't think there's a better defense to e4 and I don't think the stigma of it being theoretical holds as true at low elo as people think. You can also play it to avoid theory if you want. But in general I think the position is more intuitive to play than something like e4/e5.

The closest alternative I'd recommend is the french. For similar reasons. But the french is just very solid. There also aren't that many things white can do to the french, it's usually just going to be one of the four typical responses... so it's very easy to learn.

Just try them both would be my recommendation.

Against d4... QGA is a good suggestion. I often recommend the QGD just to teach you classical principles. You shouldn't be too worried about winning at this stage. But in general, if we're being serious, I much prefer the attacking options black has over the theoretical options... especially for club players or online players. So QGA, slav, benko, tarrasch, english defense... all I think great options. On the other hand, lines I avoid... are the QGD, the semi-slav, the KID, the Grunfeld (I know that's blasphemy to say around Compadre but it is my opinion). If I had to choose a really theoretical line I think the nimzo indian would be probably one I'd lean toward at this point, but I don't think I'd combine it with the QID, I'd probably combine it with the Vienna. Of course these are all just my opinions and they do change frequently.


@Post #3

Instead of the Sicilian, I like to recommend the Small Center Defense as Sub.

I think it is better for beginners for several reasons:

1) It doesn’t let beginners fall behind in development which can happen when you play 1…c5 which isn’t really a developing move.

2) It helps break pins instantly.

3) It helps defend against pawn pushers better.

4) It creates a very compact set up.

All the Black pieces are very harmonious.

When you look at the set up, it does have some Sicilian Scheve. Vibes.

It’s not the exact same, but it has some very nice similarities.


Another thing which might surprise you is the KID is actually crazy good in low level games.

Most beginners playing white (1.d4) are going for a London or Colle.

They are not playing a Queen Gambit like position (c4 + d4).

It is mostly c3 + d4 + e3 Triangle stuff!

The KID has very minimal Theory vs. London/Colle/Family lines.

The KID is also the perfect counter to combat the London family.

Both lines aim to control the Dark Squares


Gruenfeld, Nimzo, and Semi-Slav are not really playable.

The way white is playing doesn’t really allow it.


Even if you're slightly slower in piece development in the sicilian this is not very strongly felt... the sicilian is a very resilient structure, your king is really more safe than in e4/e5 or the caro-kann. The only e4 opening I think is easier/safer is the french defense. And you're contesting the center nonetheless, even if it is with a pawn rather than a piece. I don't see an issue


hello. one question ,what should i do if the peoples do the italian aperture


i wanted say italian opening


Simple chess: 1...e5 against 1.e4, 1...d5 against 1.d4 (also 1.Nf3 d5, and 1.c4 e6 followed by ...d5).

ibrust έγραψε:

Even if you're slightly slower in piece development in the sicilian this is not very strongly felt... the sicilian is a very resilient structure, your king is really more safe than in e4/e5 or the caro-kann. The only e4 opening I think is easier/safer is the french defense. And you're contesting the center nonetheless, even if it is with a pawn rather than a piece. I don't see an issue

Only a fool would recommend the Sicilian to a sub-500 rated player.

Mazetoskylo wrote:

Only a fool would recommend the Sicilian to a sub-500 rated player.

At 400 elo on lichess the sicilian is scoring significantly better for black than e4/e5. Infact it's the 2nd highest scoring defense in rapid / blitz, the only one scoring slightly better is the caro-kann. It has a positive winrate for black... -

I played the sicilian when I was low rated and I did perfectly fine with it. You people act like you need theory to play the sicilian... you don't. You need theory if your opponent knows theory. That isn't going to be the case at low elo.

There are many sicilian setups, like the dragons or french sicilians, that give black very easy play and piece activity in all but the main lines.

So who is the fool then - one whose opinion aligns with the evidence, or one who assumes they're correct while providing no rationale and contradicting the evidence? This is something known as Dunning-Krugers.

But I will quickly make a few points:

a) he's rated 1100 in daily - so not sub-500

b) as usual you provided no rationale for your opinion.

Keep trying

ibrust wrote:

Even if you're slightly slower in piece development in the sicilian this is not very strongly felt... the sicilian is a very resilient structure, your king is really more safe than in e4/e5 or the caro-kann. The only e4 opening I think is easier/safer is the french defense. And you're contesting the center nonetheless, even if it is with a pawn rather than a piece. I don't see an issue

The main issue is most of the tactical Sicilian lines don’t play e6.

Most people like the Sicilian Dragon or Classical Sicilian.

People often recommend Classical lines to beginners so you will see it a lot.

A very common position you will see in beginner games is the below set up:

4.Ng5 or 4.d3 are very common.

The White line is known as the Bowlder Attack.

It is extremely devastating in the lower leagues.

It destroys more Sicilian players vs. any other line.

The Bowlder Attack is like a Grand Prix Attack down 1-2 tempos.


When you look at the position, you can see White is ready to castle.

Black isn’t close to castling.

The Sicilian Defense is slightly behind in development.

The Sicilian Defense also has a lazy/sluggish King side development.

From a high level perspective, Black is completely fine.

From a low level perspective, Black is afraid and thinks they are losing.


A few years ago, I had several low level players message me for help.

I made an article on how to counter the Bowlder Attack.

The Bowlder Attack from a technical standpoint isn’t very good for White.

The best way to counter it in my opinion is playing a Sicilian Kan position.

The issue is not many people talk about Sicilian Kan.

Sicilian Kan is more positional and isn’t really what you would typically recommend to beginners as most beginners don’t have great positional vision.

The problem is Bc4 - Fried Liver ideas are always in the air for these types of players.


Honestly, I am in agreement with you about e4/e5 lines.

I never liked responding to e4 with e5 because you just open the door for these sorts of Fried Liver style players.

Not only do you have to deal with Fried Liver players.

You also have to do with Fishing Pole players and Gambit players.

Playing e5 as black in lower leagues is almost a chess death sentence.

I use to recommend French to people when I gave line suggestions to beginners.


Recently, I have been trying to add in a 1…e5 line which doesn’t get smashed for beginners.

The line I have been recommending is the Be7 Philidor!

It’s not the normal way high levels play the Philidor.

However, You shut down a lot of Ng5 ideas.

I think a beginner could pull off the Philidor!