bangcloud works!!!
I played boungcloud in a few games last night on I done rather well. My opponents were rated 1400-1500 and after say 10 moves white was slightly better at least. Ok 1400-1500 isint that strong at all, but against 1700 player the game window was closed after 2.Ke2 so i stopped playing it incase i got blacklisted by too many people I will try it again tonight as a 'guest' instead.
Oh yea, this thread... it doesnt prove anything.
If u win using the Bongcloud its because u outplayed your opponent later in the game, not in the opening
It's not bongcloud opening and yes there are openings in which the king will make an early move.(not that I'll use them).
Boncloud keeps walking with his king for an attack or sacrifice or whatever.
Sorry but I don't really get the point either
Just my opinion, but instead of spending so much time on this STUPID move why not put that time to good use and study some real chess who knows you may like it.
be curious to see this actually played out to an attack. i'm admittedly very new to chess. but it seems like this opening takes a lot for assumption. namely black mirroring whites pawn moves...insted of developing with knights or bishops, if the king came up one on the second move, i'd imagine most players would instantly adjust their developement to lean on one side of his defense, or develope to trap the king in the open after a quick king side castle or something...
anychance to see this used in a actual game?
I see from your profile smsjr723 that you are really trying to learn the game, well i have been playing for about 40 years now 35 of those in OTB tourn. and if you don't mind here is a little advice don't get caught up in this kind of junk (2.Ke2) work on more traditional openings the only thing that move is good for is a laugh messing with it will create bad habits.
While I admit, in the beginning, the "Bongcloud" threads were mildly amusing and provided some humorous fodder for the masses. However, in my opinion, these threads have now reached "critical mass" and thus should be allowed (like every other failed mutation) to die a humble, yet quick, "Darwinian" death.
Propping up idiocy as if it were a virtue seems to be a popular trend these days!?! But I think we need to know when to get off this moped and latch on to a cooler mode of transportation.
Let's play chess!!
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If u win using the Bongcloud its because u outplayed your opponent later in the game, not in the opening
This is quite very true. But isint my opponent going to make a mistake in a totally bizzare opening position before lets say if i were to play the mainline 6.Bg5 variation in the Najdorf variation! So i can see the benefits of playing this weird opening moves. Here im thinking in a kind of chess 960 way of thought. In chess, generally speaking the player who is more familiar with a given position will usually have the upper hand. Take this away from somebody and all you have to do is outplay them in the middle/endgame. (Think: how many times have you made a stupid mistake in a standard opening against a weaker opponent which cost you a point or half point? Because you make a mistake in a standard opening, your opponent will already have good development and play the game out with the usual middlegame strategies and should at least get a half point from you.)
The reasoning why i played this opening is first of all for fun, second of all i played it in blitz chess. Its not like im (or anyone else who is serious here) going to play this OTB in tournaments but i will try it in blitz. I can see that people will run moves like 2.Ke2 down but i dont think people as black (or white for that matter) should think ''oh! 2.Ke2 im going to win''.
Okay, i dont think beginners should play 2.Ke2 but more advanced players should be able to achieve quite a playable position if the position is played with right out effeciency given that being human, black wont play 'best' moves. In positions after 2.Ke2 whites moves can seem a bit simpler whereas black will be wanting to gain too much, even at times ''want to win'' as quick as possible.
I guess the moral is, everything in moderation.