
Are Deep Openings Even Necessary To Reach 2200?


Hi! I have a question that I'm wondering any experienced players can answer...

I am currently 2069 rated over the board. My goal is to reach 2200 within the next 6 months (I will probably play around 4 tournaments, 5-7 rounds each.

I currently play the Nimzo or Bogo Indian defense with black, and queens gambit with white. Truth is, I rarely practice openings (I hate practicing theory) and I only know the main few lines. I am wondering how deep of an opening knowledge I need to reach 2200. Are main lines and ideas enough? Or should I study deeper and learn sidelines, sharp variations, etc? Hope someone can help.



I would say that knowing how to maneuver in the middlegame is far more important than having deep opening knowledge.

That, and always keeping an eye open for potential tactics.

Of course, you don't want to get into a worse or losing position out of the opening. But as long as you're able to reach a playable middlegame, then the opening should essentially be a non-issue.

So, yes, I'd say "main lines and ideas" should be enough.


Middlegames and endgames (at this point you have to have some work on rook endgames done) are more important. And practical calculating skill of course.

Especially with this repertoire. The Bogo/Nimzo and the Queen's Gambit are openings of experience, not so much learning and certainly not move by move.


Thanks guys!