
Anyone consider the Ponziani?


I think the Ponziani is a strong opening to use at club play and a suprise weapon to use at master level. If played correctly black can create a sharp opening with attacking chances for both sides. However black must tread carefully, playing naturally can lead to a variety of devastating traps.











 If black tries playing the natural 3...Nf6, they can fall into several traps. For example:












 Even if black does not fall into one of the traps the ponziani provides, the most aggressive (and perhaps best response) 3...d5 leads to a sharp game with plenty of tacital traps and attacking chances for both sides.



Actually, I don't think Nf6 is such a bad move. But the continuations is bad. The false move is starting from move 6. Instead of d6, it's more proper to play Ng6 to push the White knight away...

I've been told sometime ago that there is a counter gambit to use against the Ponziani... In his third move, Black plays f5. That is the Ponziani Countergambit..

I actually played the ponziani for some time and the black responses I saw most were 3.....d5 and 3.....Nf6 ....    It was rare to ever see 3....f5.  I did well with it against weaker players but against stronger players I did terribly and so I gave it up.
I don't use the Ponziani myself, so I didn't quite understand the purpose of the move 3. ...f5. But the Ponziani Countergambit is said to be similar to Greco Countergambit. So one who plays Greco Countergambit may understand the philosophy behind the Ponziani Countergambit.
look up the Ponziani on Youtube a guy has two videos explaining it's variations and traps. It's tricky but with correct play black should get an advantage
i like it well and would like to learn more can you get similar ideas that work with the alipin sicillian?  My recored is 4 and a half of 5 playing the poizaiani
Oh wow, that last one really reveals the power of it! May give that a try, thanks!

I think the ponziani is a sharp opening for white. Black has a lot of places to wrong and if it doesnt, it gives a positional edge in my opinion.

In matter of fact, most players where I applied the ponziani did go wrong one way or another.

Ponziani attacks!  In the second diagram, why not 4.Qe7 or 4.Bd6?  It strengthens the center, and seems to transpose the game into a reinforce the center mentality, rather than the original Ponziani attack.
savy_swede wrote: look up the Ponziani on Youtube a guy has two videos explaining it's variations and traps. It's tricky but with correct play black should get an advantage

I saw the videos. Ponziani look very dangerious,if black don't know how to defend then white can clean house. However like NM Reb said it's doen't hold up against strong player. (Masters and up) Does anybody knows any books on the Ponziani?

I am going to go find my opening book, and see what it says the counter for the Ponziani is.  An interesting position can be reached out of this opening.

This is the opening that I play for most of my games(I also play Catalan). I win a lot with it, as in some lines, you can win a night in the opening with a fork.

Holy cow I love the Pontianak