
anybody know good openings


would like to know


Sicilian Defense for black and English Opening for white. To be more specific: Sicilian Defense: Dragon Variation. Knight in e7. English Opening: Carls-Bremen System; Reversed dragon sicilian. Knight in e2. Those openings often leads to a very positional, slow and patient game. The secret is to make a deep and careful analysis before each move. They can be a little complicated to play at first, but with enough practice, you will be able to get good positions very often. Best if you watch some videos about them. Note: if your opponent takes the queen's Knight, with the kings Knight (very common if you are facing the ruy lopez or scotch game) is often a mistake. Sicilian against Ruy Lopez: Threat the opponent bishop with the queen's knight. If they they capture with their Knight, you retake with the pawn and the center is yours. Sicilian against Scotch: Take the queen's pawn with your pawn. If they recapture with their Knight threatening your Queen Knight, just prepare for the kings fianchetto and Ke7. If they take your queen knight, retake with the pawn, and you will dominate the center soon. Final tip: Dont rush to advance the queen's pawn. He prevents those annoying early checks and gives mobility to the knights.




Sicilian is a good suggestion. I've said many times the Sicilian is the only response to e4 that I feel has no downside. For the specific sicilian... there are tons of options, you can play the sicilian in so many different ways depending on what you want to get out of it. But I think the a6 Taimanov and Four Knights are both very good at club level.

The Caro-Kann I feel is a bit overrated, of blacks 4 major defenses to e4 I fear it the least, by a wide margin... white chooses the variation, and there are particular lines against it I think are very difficult for black to deal with. Also, e4/e5 white chooses the variation and there are tons of novel tactics, it's hard to play well as black. French is a close 2nd to the sicilian though, if you don't mind boring games it's quite good.

As white - almost every 1st move is viable, it depends alot on your style. I've played b3, Nc3, f4, e3, e4, d4... Probably my favorites are e4 and Nc3. Maybe I slightly prefer Nc3 over e4, but it's very close. But it was alot harder for me to decide on what I wanted to do as white. Try out all the different options would be my suggestion. It takes time to figure out what you like.

Against d4... I'd recommend avoiding the positional lines, and going for the early attacking lines. Slav / QGA are both excellent. English defense / Benko / Tarrasch are great too. For something cheesy try the Budapest or Albin. If you want something really theoretical.... nimzo indian + vienna can work. Or possibly the bogo indian. Avoid QID, QGD, KID, Grunfeld, Semi-Slav - too theoretical, too many people memorizing these lines 20 moves deep, or refining some sideline. And there's not enough pressure applied to the opponent early on, you're not really testing the opponent until way later... If you're playing at top level maybe you just assume the opponent already knows the theory and so you don't test them early, but at club level... don't do that.




Intercontinental ballistic missile best opening


Never learn any opening past the 5th move... It's a waste of time... Just get a sense of the opening...

Then play 1.f3 or 1..d6... then real chess begins