
any ideas


i have been playing chess since i was 5 but i always play pawn to e4 as my opening and my opponents know that is my game plan and know my entire plan and i need a new opening strategy does anyone have any suggestions 4 me


Hi Vernon,

Can I suggest the Barcza? 1.Nf3, 2.g3, 3.Bg2, 4.0-0


It leaves room for tons of dynamic variations (some of them extremely tricky, but well worth trying) and immediately tucks your king into safety.  It's moderately well known, but from what I've seen (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), there's no set "deal breaker" for the base Barcza.


From the Barcza you can move into the very powerful (and very popular) King's Indian Attack (KIA) 1.Nf3, 2.g3, 3.Bg2, 4.0-0, 5.d3, 6.Nbd2, and 7.e4 


The biggest weakness with the Barcza is that it allows black to develop at their leisure to begin with.  However, once you've mastered the different nuances (and especially the KIA), I think you'll discover just how powerful the base Barcza and its variations can be.


Give it a try some time. Let me know how your games go! Good luck!

thank u very much ill try it and let u no i like the looks of it so far and i really appreciate it cuz im tryin to be a GM and need all the openings i can get thanx
My dad opens with that alot
well i tried it in a game and it was a great success i won its a great opening and ill use it as much as i can
try d4 and c4
ok thanks ill try it
well its helped me out soo far    thankx nyarlathotep
You can keep playing e4, just play new lines.  There are tons of exciting e4 openings.  I can recommend some if you tell me what you currently play.
well i generally try scholars mate but that doesnt always work and i try the sicilian dragon off of e4 although my opponent uses the scandinavian defence which idk how to counter but these r the ones i generally use

It's very enticing for beginners to play scholars mate, but like you said, it doesn't work against someone who kind of knows how to play chess, and it leaves you with a worse position.  The purpose of an opening is to get into the middle game with as much advantage as you can.  When you start playing against better players you will not be able to fool anyone with scholars mate, or any other "trick" opening.

i understand the computer is no beginner and im not either anymore but i just need some opening suggestions
try 1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 4.Bc4
ok ill try it thanks
ill try it out i think ill like it!!:)

Never mind the beaten path and search to valid alternatives. Try the Grob attack 1.g4 ... 2.Bg2 while playing with white. But remember do your home work, define your strategy other wise it wont make any sense.   


I think you can stick to 1.e4 there are any number of different ways to play after anything black plays. 

Hi I usually do the Center-Counter gambit, when im black. "e4. d5, exd5 Qxd5, Nc3 Qe5+, Be2 Qa5." but only do it in friendlys.

I would suggest the english opening, 1. c4

This system was used by greats such as Karpov, Botvinnik, and current world champion Vladimir Kramnik.


wow i use it alot now :)