
Ancient Dance - The Kahiko-Hula Gambit


Ancient Dance - The Kahiko-Hula Gambit
by Clyde Nakamura

In 1998 I had discovered another gambit similar to the Keoni-Hiva Gambit (1.e3 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 exf4 4.Nf3).  The moves of my discovery are:

1.c4 e5 2.e3 Nf6 3.f4 exf4 4.Nf3

This is the main accepted line.  (Please note that there are other accepted lines.) I had named this gambit the Kahiko-Hula Gambit.  In Hawaiian, Kahiko means ancient and Hula means dance.  Hula is an ancient Hawaiian dance form that dates back many
hundreds of years to the very first settlers of the Hawaiian islands from the Marquesas, Bora Bora and Tahiti.  Each hand, arm and body movement tells a story.  Legend says that the goddess Hi'iaka was the first to dance the Hula to appease her sister the volcano goddess Pele.  In ancient times the Hula was performed at religious ceremonies.  Today the Hula is mainly a form of entertainment. White intends to sacrifice the pawns at f4, e3 and d2 for quick piece development and freedom of movement for the minor pieces.  In the accepted lines White has the half open d-file, half open f-file and the open e-file.  A recurring theme in this gambit is that the posting of the white knight to d5 causes Black some problems.

See my article at Chessville at the following links:

Accepted Variation

Declined Variation

See starting position of this gambit attached.


I have attached several examples of the Kahiko-Hula Gambit. See games.


Attached is my most recent game with the Kahiko-Hula Gambit game.


Bollicks. It's junk. It is what I call "Chess by mantra". Repeating it over and over will not make it sound.

The games present contain no sensible and reasoned analysis. What analysis there is engine generated. Most of the games presented are either blitz or fast time controls (I won't count the engine games because you have to trust that a move hasn't been taken back).

Bubblegum chess for the diabetic mind.


RIP Clyde. Just stumbled on this thread because I've played the English my whole life and there's hardly any gambits for white with the C4 opening. This has to be the best one, and the only sound gambit against E5. Only other two decent C4 gambits are the Symmetrical Wing Gambit, which is only in reply to C5, and the Wade Gambit, which is fun but rare since it's a response to F5 which you see very seldom. Clyde's Kahiko-Hula Gambit is like a Danish Gambit but in the middle of the board, you still sac two pawns but your bishops end up centralized instead of pointing kingside, and the center is cleared out while white castles. And looks like Clyde also exchange sacked a rook in a lot of lines too, with a lot of attacking counterplay for compensation. Really fun and novel gambit, wish I could tell Clyde thanks.




This ancient thread is an interesting find. The gambit looks most suspicious to me, but it clearly can be lethal to unprepared. I admit i thought the english opening is devoid od gambits. A small eye-opener for me.

ManicMovesDrowsyDreams έγραψε:

RIP Clyde. Just stumbled on this thread because I've played the English my whole life and there's hardly any gambits for white with the C4 opening. This has to be the best one, and the only sound gambit against E5. Only other two decent C4 gambits are the Symmetrical Wing Gambit, which is only in reply to C5, and the Wade Gambit, which is fun but rare since it's a response to F5 which you see very seldom. Clyde's Kahiko-Hula Gambit is like a Danish Gambit but in the middle of the board, you still sac two pawns but your bishops end up centralized instead of pointing kingside, and the center is cleared out while white castles. And looks like Clyde also exchange sacked a rook in a lot of lines too, with a lot of attacking counterplay for compensation. Really fun and novel gambit, wish I could tell Clyde thanks.

Now seriously, you can always resign as white after 1.c4 e5.

There is no need to study how to get a completely lost position either with this one, or any other stupid gambit and lose a lot of precious time.


As an English player, I can't say I'm able to appreciate the nuances of this variation.

You essentially gambit your whole position for nothing. Sure, you get your pieces out, but they aren't aggressively placed and your opponent seems to get all the fun.


Some folks sort of miss the point of gambits. This one is a pretty normal gambit, you're down on the evaluation about -1 if your opponent plays perfectly in the opening, so definitely not a "completely lost position". If you look at most games any of you have won you'll find that you were down -1 or worse at some point in the game. We're all imperfect humans, even up to the grandmaster level, and as long as there is counterplay then a pawn or two advantage is never a guaranteed win. And this Hula gambit provides tons of counterplay right out the gate. Just look how many games Hawaiian State Champ Clyde won against strong players with it. As a decent 1800-ish player I've already won a few games with it without even studying any lines yet. TLDR: If you don't like gambits don't play them, but don't fool yourself into believing gambits don't work, they work often even against great players, and they are fun and creative.


...and right on cue I just beat a 1900 in 22 moves with this gambit immediately after posting this. So much for gambiting my "whole position for nothing" :

[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.10.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ManicMovesDrowsyDreams"]
[Black "Sacabam"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "600"]
[WhiteElo "2046"]
[BlackElo "1991"]
[Termination "ManicMovesDrowsyDreams won by resignation"]
[Link ""]

1. c4 e5 2. e3 c6 3. f4 exf4 4. Nf3 fxe3 5. Nc3 exd2+ 6. Bxd2 Nf6 7. Bd3 Be7 8.
O-O O-O 9. Qc2 h6 10. Rae1 d5 11. cxd5 cxd5 12. Qc1 g5 13. Bxg5 hxg5 14. Qxg5+
Kh8 15. Qh6+ Kg8 16. Ng5 Re8 17. Rxf6 Bc5+ 18. Kf1 Rxe1+ 19. Kxe1 Qe7+ 20. Kf1
Qxf6+ 21. Qxf6 Be6 22. Bh7+ Kf8 1-0