
Against scotch



being an E4-e5 player, the most irritating opening for me is scotch….to play against it,Can anyone pls share me the best book to play against scotch…anyone??



1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 and now either 4...Nf6 or 4...Bc5.
Look at the games between Kasparov and Karpov


Just on the "irritating variation" 1) e4 e5 2) Nf3 Nc6 3) d4 exd4 4) c3 we'll just play 4)...d3 and no more of the "irritating variation".

wheneverxdd wrote:


being an E4-e5 player, the most irritating opening for me is scotch….to play against it,Can anyone pls share me the best book to play against scotch…anyone??

"Qh4 in the Scotch Game" by Levon Gutman..

MichalMalkowski wrote:
wheneverxdd wrote:


being an E4-e5 player, the most irritating opening for me is scotch….to play against it,Can anyone pls share me the best book to play against scotch…anyone??

"Qh4 in the Scotch Game" by Levon Gutman..

A line not for the faint of heart. Sure, you'll grab a pawn, but the pressure by Black will be relentless. I'd suggest the lines with Nf6


This sort of thing is very strong as Black.


I usually lose against caro-kann I’m too lazy to learn. Help?


I play the Scotch with Bc4

OskarJ2012 wrote:

I play the Scotch with Bc4

I see….could you provide me to play as black against Bc4…it’s confusing

tygxc wrote:


1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 and now either 4...Nf6 or 4...Bc5.
Look at the games between Kasparov and Karpov

Thank you so much for helping!! But I have seen these games already,and the problem is still the same….😭

Ethan_Brollier wrote:

This sort of thing is very strong as Black.

Certainly, it is!! And to be honest I face no problems in Nxd4 variation all The problems I usually face in Bc4 line…for me it’s too over complicated,and there aren’t much books to play against scotch too

DrSpudnik wrote:
MichalMalkowski wrote:
wheneverxdd wrote:


being an E4-e5 player, the most irritating opening for me is scotch….to play against it,Can anyone pls share me the best book to play against scotch…anyone??

"Qh4 in the Scotch Game" by Levon Gutman..

A line not for the faint of heart. Sure, you'll grab a pawn, but the pressure by Black will be relentless. I'd suggest the lines with Nf6

i will see through it…THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING!!!

MichalMalkowski wrote:
wheneverxdd wrote:


being an E4-e5 player, the most irritating opening for me is scotch….to play against it,Can anyone pls share me the best book to play against scotch…anyone??

"Qh4 in the Scotch Game" by Levon Gutman..

is it a book or a video online??and thank you so much for helping….

TonkCatChess wrote:

I usually lose against caro-kann I’m too lazy to learn. Help?

Well the problem is self-explanatory. The solution is equally obvious.

wheneverxdd wrote:
Ethan_Brollier wrote:

This sort of thing is very strong as Black.

Certainly, it is!! And to be honest I face no problems in Nxd4 variation all The problems I usually face in Bc4 line…for me it’s too over complicated, and there aren’t much books to play against scotch too


I like 4...Qf6, which is a respectable line (linked to a couple of 4...Bc5 lines) while having less theory to study (and also avoiding the 4...Bc5 5.Nb3 lines where white can aim for sharp positions involving long castling).

While this has become quite trendy recently, sources to study it are scarce. I suggest Cheparinov's 1.e4 e5 repertoire for Black at Modern Chess.

Alchessblitz wrote:

Just on the "irritating variation" 1) e4 e5 2) Nf3 Nc6 3) d4 exd4 4) c3 we'll just play 4)...d3 and no more of the "irritating variation".

What's so special about 4...d3?

After 5.Bxd3 white has a lead in development and better central control without any material investment.

Just 4...d5! (exclam mark put because of simplicity), or even 4...dxc3 if you love pawns (5.Nxc3 Bb4, or 5.Bc4 d6) and Black is quite OK.



a : Which is so special with 4)... d3 is that we need to know nothing we will simply play a game where the White player will no longer have his trap game with a lot of memorized moves.

By the way, we can do exactly the same thing on the Morra Gambit (1.e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3.c3 d3)

b : 4)....d5 is the main line but in practice imo we don't remember what will happen next 5) exd5 Qxd5 6) cxd4 Bg4 7) Be2 Bb4+ 8) Nc3 Bxf3 9) Bxf3 Qc4 10) Be2 Qxd4 11) Qb3 Nge7 12) o-o o-o 13) a3 Bxc3 14) bxc3 Qb6

c : It's a better way to play 4)... d3 because we need to know nothing and imo often the human players who play these dangerous gambit variations are not very good or of a lower level than us but they make artificial progress by playing trap openings where they know moves from memory.

wheneverxdd wrote:
OskarJ2012 wrote:

I play the Scotch with Bc4

I see….could you provide me to play as black against Bc4…it’s confusing

Nf6 e5 Ng4 and then you have to defend everything

TonkCatChess wrote:

I usually lose against caro-kann I’m too lazy to learn. Help?

No one can cure your laziness but you. Sorry.