Sure that white has clear advantage.
1.e4 b5!?
I played jetfighter13 and he played this opening and I crushed him, but I think it was because I'm a superior player.
I played jetfighter13 and he played this opening and I crushed him, but I think it was because I'm a superior player.
That doesn't say very much. I've seen his "analyses" and they make me want to cry.
but then black could take the center with the moves shown in the diagram
thus the position above is not hopeless
after 16... Rb8 why not Nd7 forking the rooks?
Here is one of my Game, on this pact,- 1.e4 b5 ...*
Polish Counter Gambit - Sounds Good
For this I've been awarded, Killer Pawn (Fun One) - You delivered checkmate with a Pawn!
I'm just saying. Polish Defense is mostly for d4, not e4. Because this move does not control the center and even if black fianchettos the bishop it is still not great and white has strong compensation. White has a bettter position. If someone gives you a center: take it.
2...a6 is not the right way to play it. The bishop should go on the b7 square first. Otherwise it's litteraly useless.
Played a lot of blitz with the line above lately. It's pretty fun.
BEN/ not trying to be negative here, if you like this opening you should turn your attention to the st. george defence 1..e6 2..a6 followed by b5 this is much better/ the game position you gave was dead lost period.
Basman has occasionally played it agaisnt weaker players like expert level, and has won! but Basman has a gift for making modern art in the chess board with pieces all over the place and not knowing who is better.
its a bad opening, no way around it, just because a legend like basman can play it agaisnt non-masters (or very weak masters) doesnt mean its any good. Its just a testament to his skill
It's not a good opening by any means, but it keeps me from ever having to play into opening preparation
After 2... a6? 3. Bc4! would net White with a clear advantage.