then 3...d5 anyway
1.e4 b5!?
mr basman has played before and won (Against much weaker opposition though, like chess experts). but its just a terrible move. Black forfeits a pawn and he doesnt even have a lead in development for it.
No that is not true. IM Basman did play 1...a6, 2...b5, 1...b5, 2...a6, 1...g5, 2...h6, 1...h6 2...g5, 1...a6 2...h6, but he never sacrificed the pawn. He played this even against grandmasters.
after 41.Rxc4 in @Ben_Dubuque's diagram in post #20 there is 41.f3+ winning white's rook and the game!
No that is not true. IM Basman did play 1...a6, 2...b5, 1...b5, 2...a6, 1...g5, 2...h6, 1...h6 2...g5, 1...a6 2...h6, but he never sacrificed the pawn. He played this even against grandmasters.
there he is sacrificing the pawn on move 1. The opponent an expert chickened out but took it anyways a few moves later.
its not as bad as you would think, so far im undefeated in it and thats online as well as over the board
sent me a challenge if you feel like it's time to break your streak
Look also at my thread here:
How about 2...c6
3 Bishop e2!No compensation.