
Trump's would be assassin "liked to play online chess," all reporting shows


Pretty much every media outlet that has reported on this attempted assassination briefly mentions that Trump's would be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was "interested in chess" -NYT or "liked to play online chess - "independent" or had an " history...[of] playing chess..." -ABC News. The list goes on. Anybody know the profile, seen a game or know his rating?


No, but I’m anxiously waiting for the profile name to be leaked so I can search my game backlog and see how quickly I mated him.


Im waiting to it get leaked

infectionalscript wrote:


Only 2 games


No way! Why didn't I think to just search the name?! Can't be the same guy or they wouldn't have said he's "into online chess" having played twice in 2021. Checking Lichess.


I have read every article I could find on the shooting, and I haven't seen that he liked chess in one article... I think this is a prank in poor taste.

Tyharrin wrote:

Pretty much every media outlet that has reported on this attempted assassination briefly mentions that Trump's would be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was "interested in chess" -NYT or "liked to play online chess - "independent" or had an " history...[of] playing chess..." -ABC News. The list goes on. Anybody know the profile, seen a game or know his rating?

Find a hobby.

Chirpbird wrote:

I have read every article I could find on the shooting, and I haven't seen that he liked chess in one article... I think this is a prank in poor taste.

You haven't read any then. Not that it matters but here...

One of his former teachers, who declined to be identified, was so stunned after the shooting, she reviewed his homework assignments and noted that he went "above and beyond" as a student.


She recalled a project Crooks completed on a chess set for blind players.


."He 3D-printed it. He put the Braille on it," the educator said. "He talked to experts in the field. He really took a lot of care."

Crooks was shot dead by snipers after firing a volley of shots

Chirpbird wrote:

I have read every article I could find on the shooting, and I haven't seen that he liked chess in one article... I think this is a prank in poor taste.

Here's another:

He was interested in chess and coding, and had recently received an associate’s degree in engineering science. High school classmates remembered him as an intelligent student who had few friends, but who never exhibited

DiogenesDue wrote:
Tyharrin wrote:

Pretty much every media outlet that has reported on this attempted assassination briefly mentions that Trump's would be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was "interested in chess" -NYT or "liked to play online chess - "independent" or had an " history...[of] playing chess..." -ABC News. The list goes on. Anybody know the profile, seen a game or know his rating?

Find a hobby.

Find a hobby? You mean like chess? How much time do you think I dedicated to this? I spent like 5 minutes typing that out.

Tyharrin wrote:

Find a hobby? You mean like chess? How much time do you think I dedicated to this? I spent like 5 minutes typing that out.

I'm not referring to your efforts, but to your interest in digging up a profile.

P.S. Fox is not news.

DiogenesDue wrote:
Tyharrin wrote:

Find a hobby? You mean like chess? How much time do you think I dedicated to this? I spent like 5 minutes typing that out.

I'm not referring to your efforts, but to your interest in digging up a profile.

P.S. Fox is not news.

Oh, OK. Fair enough. I see why one might not care at all but I thought it would be interesting.

Also, totally agree about Fox News not being a valid media outlet but I quoted 5 different outlets from across the political spectrum. At first, I put 3 and some guy said he thought it was "a prank" because he had "read all the articles and hadn't seen chess mentioned". So I added two more (Fox and NYT) to make my point; the fact that he played chess is reported ubiquitously across the spectrum of news media outlets with their various political biases. I have trouble finding an article [about the shooter's profile] that doesn't mention that he played chess. Also, the Fox news article was the only one I saw that mentioned the quote from his professor that said he made a chess set with braille for the blind as a project.... I found that interesting because.... I mean,,,, couldn't the blind just feel the pieces? Maybe different textures for white and black and raised lines dividing the squares would be more useful than braille. lol.


Interesting story either way.


I stand corrected. lol

guys……. no POLITICS! ‼️🚫🗣️🚫
DaEpikGamerBoy wrote:
guys……. no POLITICS! ‼️🚫🗣️🚫



Also why do a bunch of kids chime in like they run the show, let a real moderator do that.


Could be this tbf, complies with his Gab account


I keep thinking it should be something with a lot of games played because the news reported that he liked to play online chess. It doesn't seem like they'd say that if he only had 2 or 4 games played. Do you mean he had that same user name on Gab?