
Smartest man writes new rules to Chess... King Rules! Chess 2.0


King Rules:

1. A pawn can now move up to 3 spaces on the 1st move.

2. A Rook can move diagonal from the opponents corner spaces.

3. A Knight gets two moves after 1 take. It resets if he takes on the 2nd move.

4. A Bishop can change colors one space on the opponent side.

5. The Queen gets 1 take back move if the opponent hasn't moved yet.

6. The King moves as a Queen does with the added bonus of jumping over his own pieces. The King reverts back to classic King chess rules after his 2nd time in check.


That's not chess any more. It's a different game.

From your title “King Rules!” the only rule i will add for “Chess 2.0” is that

King has the option to move like a Queen or knight.

This makes more sense. 😉