:Chess Praxis" is another classic Nimzovitsch Book that I absorbed and applied in my games. His Books were revoluntionary in their time -- as who thought of chess in such scientific terms with its own special jargon ?
Nimzovitch: My System
:Chess Praxis" is another classic Nimzovitsch Book that I absorbed and applied in my games. His Books were revoluntionary in their time -- as who thought of chess in such scientific terms with its own special jargon ? Yes indeed. Thank you for reminding me of Chess Praxis. Truly N. Boils it down to establishing a dominant center. However he says the philosophy of correct central play is very complex. Also N.says the best moves are not attack or defense but prophylaxis: avoiding or delaying "freeing" moves by the opponent & avoiding bad situations before they arise. Overprotection is another main point. Reinforcing important strategic squares with more pieces. A great book full of humor & anecdotes.
" establishing a dominant center" Back in the 1800s and early 1900s most quality players naturally occupied the Center with pawns and their pieces. Revolutionary ideas written by and put into practice by Nimzovitsch, Reti, and others promoted the idea of influencing the Center by developing pieces that put pressure on the Center ( rather then necessarily occupying the Center squares ). Yes, it can be very complex / tense.
Yep, definitely my favorite chess book I've ever read. Some people don't like the way Nimzovitch writes it like a textbook, but I think that just makes it much easier to understand. He makes it simple and I love it.
There are a lot of things we want in life but we don't have. Because of all those insuperable obstacles you detail it is clear to me Nimzovitch's My System is not for you. Who am I to judge. It's not for you & that's that. No problem.
Perspective on Aron Nimzowitsch's "My System"
Perspective on Aron Nimzowitsch's "My System"
Thank you so much for this well written & highly informative article. You are a complete Son of a Nimziovitch my friend.☺
What they should do is color code the moves like engines do. Chessbomb had light blue for good moves, red for blunder, and different shades to indicate the computer evaluation.
This way when an old dead geezer's book is read we can see whether those were good or bad moves. If you memorize bad moves or think something is the cat's meow because you read about it in a "reputable" book, then you are opening yourself to getting worse not better. Indeed Sir. You might be in need of an Exorcism. See a reputeable Exorcist. 😒
Good stuff, man. Don't forget:
*the passed pawn must be treated like a prisoner and put imnediately under lock and key
*rooks on the 7th rank!
Good stuff, man. Don't forget:
*the passed pawn must be treated like a prisoner and put imnediately under lock and key. Yavool! Another total Son of a Nimzovitch! Welcome home brother!😊
*rooks on the 7th rank!
Good stuff, man. Don't forget:
*the passed pawn must be treated like a prisoner and put imnediately under lock and key. Yavool! Another total Son of a Nimzovitch! Welcome home brother!😊
*rooks on the 7th rank!
I have the original unabridged edition in German and it is very funny to read. His comments and the little jabs at competitors he dont likes are quite extraordinary.
For learning, however, I did not find it good, however I am a very weak player. He often explained simple things in a very complicated way.
I first had to work through the respective topic in another book (Pandolini: Weapons Of Chess). Only then did I understand him.
A timeless classic My System is the Masterwork of a top notch chess writer & Grand Master. I revel in the insights & allegories Nimzovitch sprinkles the text with. On You Tube The Gambit Bandit Channel covers the entire book. To read Nimzovitch is to read the basic essence of chess. Prophylaxis & over protection of the center being two main points. I am & will remain your friend. Sincerely: Son of a Nimzovitch.