
Chinese chess champion stripped of title after defecating in hotel bathtub


*Chinese chess*

The world of Chinese chess is in uproar over rumours of cheating and a bad behaviour scandal that saw the national champion stripped of his title on Monday after a victory celebration ended with him defecating in a hotel bathtub.

Xiangqi, or Chinese chess, has been hugely popular for hundreds of years across Asia – and 48-year-old Yan Chenglong beat dozens of contenders last week to win the title of “Xiangqi King” at a national tournament hosted by the Chinese Xiangqi Association.

But his joy was short-lived, with the CXA on Monday announcing that Yan would have his title revoked and prize money confiscated after had been caught “disrupting public order” and displaying “extremely bad character”.

The association was also forced to address rumours circulating online that Yan had cheated during the competition by using anal beads equipped with wireless transmitters to send and receive signals.

Yan allegedly clenched and unclenched rhythmically to communicate information about the chess board via code to a computer, which then sent back instructions on what moves to make in the form of vibrations, according to reports circulating on the Chinese social site Weibo.


What have the people come to nowadays

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enema, I suppose…

At least he got caught.

The link to it won’t work
Just search it online if the link doesn’t work.
It’s not a fake story. He really messed up the tub. They can’t prove if he used beads.

Xiangqi, or Chinese chess, is a traditional board game that has been hugely popular in China and other Asian countries for hundreds of years. It is similar to the Western chess, but with some differences in the rules and the pieces. You can see some examples of Xiangqi boards and pieces in the images below. DogLikesBest

StillNotAGrandMaster 写道:
It’s not a fake story. He really messed up the tub. They can’t prove if he used beads.

hhh,He didn't cheat, he drank a lot, he couldn't tell the difference between the bathtub and the toilet, this behavior made the Chinese chess official embarrassed, so the prize money was confiscated


fake news