
SUT010 Where did I go wrong?


Ok, first of all, chess mentor is awesome.  Thanks.

Second, I acknowledge that the answer given in the lesson SUT010 is clearly better than mine.  But I wonder why the approach I took has the comment that is given.  

After playing Nge7+ the response is "Sorry, there is no good follow-up after 1.Nge7+? Nxe7! Keep looking!" 

But the continuation I was looking for is as follows.  Am I blind to some alternative defense for black?


I agree that black's best response is to give back some material by exchanging the queen and his surplus rook for a few more of white's pieces, and this leaves white in a tougher spot.  I guess I underrated this line for black, seeing how much he would have to give up, but neglecting how effectively he defuses white's attack.

So, again, certainly the line given in the problem is better.  Perhaps the comment was inteded to read: ""Sorry, there is no good follow-up after 1.Nge7+? Qxe7! 2.Nxe7 Nxe7 3.Bxf7 Kxf7.  Keep looking!"

A little more detail in the follow up would help clarify this for us mortals.


Presumably it was a typo on their part (hard to believe they overlooked your line, it being rather crushing and all).


why would black move his/her queen to g8


The threatened mate is a bit of a problem.


oh yeah i wasnt thinking qxh7