In the last 24 hours Chess Mentor Scoring has become punitive for me. At the outset of a lesson huge deductions are made for no apparent reason. Even without touching any of the hints or making a wrong move my score plunges downward 40% and worse.
This is little fun and very discouraging. I've worked hard for in gaining Mentor Lesson Points. I don't like seeing them evaporate unfairly.
There seems to be a bug with the scoring of Chess Mentor (Per My Score bar). The score often jumps to a higher percentage when it should decrease to a lower percentage or not move at all.
For example: when accessing the Subtle, Strong and Direct Hints; making a wrong move and hitting the Try Again button; making an alternate correct move; hitting the Key Pieces button and getting the message “Key pieces not shown for this lesson” – the percentage score increases; etc, etc.