
Help For My Son's First Tournament


My family and I have been playing chess at home for years.  I taught my sons at a young age because they were curious.  They enjoyed it and have consistently been playing. Now they are 10 and 8 years old respectively.  My youngest was invited by his teacher to represent their school in a Chess Tournament sponsored by a corporation. He wants to join and I fully support him.

However, I do not know the first thing about a Chess Tournament, because no one in our family has joined in the past.  Are there different rules in a tournament or are the rules the same when played at home? For example why is there a timer for each player? And how it is used during the competition?    

Please, I need your advices.


I would ask the teacher that recommended your son for the tournament if he knows someone that will loan you a chess clock for practice.  It helped me to practice using the clock and writing down my moves during casual games before my tournament. It felt more natural to write my moves down and use the clock because I had already been doing so.


If there is a local club take a trip there and if you ask you should soon find an answer