what about Rb6 followed by Rd2?
maybe because of 2.Rd2?
your suggestion, 1...Rb6, is strong but not as forcing as 1...Qxc3+
Then 3...,Qxc3+ 4. Ka2, Bxc4+ 5. Qxc4, Qxc4+ 6. ??
wins the queen.
2.Rd2 Qxc3+ 3.Ka2 Bxc4+ 4.Qxc4 Qxc4+ 5.Ka1 Qb3 6.Rhd1 Qxa3+ 7.Ra2 Qc3+ 8.Rb2 Qxb2#
Qxc3 wins as well, but Rb6 is faster. Checkmate in 9 moves at most.
or 2.Qb4?
2.Qb4 Rxb4 3.cxb4 Qxa3+ 4.Kb1 Be4+ 5.Rd3 Bxd3# :)
Yes, the Rb6 move also forces a quick checkmate and therefore I have added this move as an alternate correct move.
Admirable persistence, Tom. Congrats, you won!
Lasker-Marshall, Philadelphia 1907