ckellygolf, short and sweet response, the site still is 95% free. Things that were free still are free and will remain that way (with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 pages that we labeled as "future premium features"). You can still enjoy the community 100% without paying us a dime. You can still play chess without paying us a dime. enjoy!
Too expensive? Yes
Does it matter? No
Why? Because of freedom of choice. No one is forcing it down your throat. Don't like it? go buy chessmaster. Chessmaster too expensive? Go borrow books from your library. Library too far? Search on the internet. Don't have internet? Then how are you reading this?
Somebody else's computer?
i wish that Chess Mentor could be less expensive. but the truth is that this last month we spent more than $20,000 on getting Grandmasters and other quality teachers to write the content that appears in Chess Mentor. Chess Mentor is only for those who understand the value of high-quality chess instruction and are willing to pay for it. 1 hour of personal grandmaster teaching is $80-100+. one year is $150. doesn't seem so expensive when you consider that....
Hey, $150 is a good price for what CM offers. Those who want to pay by the lesson will probably not fully commit to the training and in turn will not get much from it anyway. I understand that $150 is a bit of money to some, but that does not mean that the product is over priced.
I think this is a great site and I get a lot from it for free. Thanks guys!
If you don’t have any money the library is your best bet and of course the internet as I said has thousands of resources.
Free games, free lessons, free puzzles etc. If you have a little money and you want GM, IM analysis you can try this site might be in your budget range.
Most of the stuff is current and up-to-date.
It looks like is mostly opening books. Is that right?
I really want to pay for this material - I'm not sure if I will or not. It seems extremely valuable, if chess improvement is your real goal and if you'll use the features. Now I will ask my wife over and over again for permission (and yes, I ask, not tell - she's the boss!)
Erik - your site is awesome. I appreciate what you're doing.
Thinking about the price, it,s quite expensive. But if improving your chess is your ultimate goal,why not get your hands on it.Furthermore,you can know where you are and how good are you.
I just think of it as a donation to keep the site running. It's helped me as much as face-to-face lessons with Expert and Master rated players.
I do though wish though there was a Paypal option so my credit card wouldn't get dinged each month.....
I'm now 40, so just missed the "everything on the internet should be free" generation. When I was younger I did (sadly) pirate tons of software when it came on floppys... I found that anything I stole was not good enough to buy. The good stuff I paid for.
Here's my problem. I've got a full time job, 2 kids (6 & 9) and and interest in chess. I learned as a child how the pieces move and I've played many times, but I've never really understood any of the real strategy. So $15/month seems a bit much to learn more about a game I don't really play that much to begin with (nobody I know plays seriously). I'd like to learn, but can see myself spending a few week jousting at this windmill and then moving on to another more pressing one (like figuring out how to get my kids through college - yikes!).
So that's my issue. $15/month seems silly for something I may never use. What would work for me would be having the option of spending say $15 (or some price) for some amount of lessons. The number of lessons should be lower than the average usage per month for subscription customers to make it economical for the site. If I spend 4 months getting through the 15 lessons, I'm not upset for wasting money. Also I've probably learned more that way versus trudging through them in a few free moment every day. If I start using up my lessons at a rate faster than the monthy (or yearly) cost, I would easily switch to a time-based membership.
I understand the cost of running a website - I've been involved in many aspects of it. I'm just throwing out a business model that might get a few more folks like me to pony up some cash to help you keep this thing running. BTW, the reason I'm currently not a paying member is that I'm still dabbling in chess (I might be learning German tomorrow) and that the premium features are not things that I really would use (or have time to use) anyhow. If I'm still visiting this site three months from now, I'll probably spring for a gold membership just to keep the site running. Hold me to it and cancel me if I don't!
Good luck!
Uh... Um... $15 for 5 hours? That's $3/hour!!! Gracious sakes. Lord have mercy. It's soooo expensive! OK, you've got me. I'll take the free lessons and if I like them, I'll sign up for 5 hours. And if I like that I may take the plunge.
I did notice that the gold membership (which I'm considering) comes with 10 days of CM. I'd much rather a certain number of hours (assuming it's not already 240 as that would do me fine) since sometimes “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” (to quote Burns). If you know what I mean.
Again good luck.
for those who think it is too expensive, how much WOULD you pay? :)
i'd pay $99 USD in a heartbeat, and i could probably even convince my wife to spend $9.99/month, if she didn't want to fork over the $99 right away so i could try it out. (yes, since i've quit working, i feel like i don't wear the pants anymore.) ;-)
this site is amazing, and chessmentor is super cool. i will be looking forward to a subsctiption as soon as i can be sure of making next month's rent. lol. its not too much for what it provides--that is for sure. although its too much for me right now, i hope to benifit from it in the (near) future.
i am all for this site being profitable! go!