
Best way to use Mentor? Question 1.


I am currently using Mentor with the Adaptive option, which I think means that it is analyzing my Progress Report somehow and choosing the lessons for me based on that. This seems like a great idea, but I can't really see where it's taking me--I just have to trust it. Maybe that's best, but . . .

There are some entire Mentor courses with names that are calling to me, and I'm very tempted to dump Adaptive (at least temporarily) and pick out some courses I think I'd really like. Sounds like fun, but would I make better progress if I stuck to Adaptive? (I currently have about a 1600 rating.)

Anybody have experience trying both ways? Thoughts? 

Well, I'm no expert, but my thinking would be that you should stick with what interests you more, as this will help keep you motivated to keep learning.

if there are courses that interest you, then perhaps you should use use the ADVANCED training option:

that can allow you to ANYTHING you want :)

I have used chessmentor on occasion and it has been my experience that choosing the lessons that interest you are of greatest benefit. 

Yes, I think I'll be choosing my courses, mostly, from now on. But I plan to activate Adaptive from time to time to check in with my progress report.

(BTW, what is going on when your cursor keeps leaping backward as you type? Does anyone know? it's certainly not just this website; it happens to my wife, too, and she doesn't know a pawn from a pawn shop. It's happened to me 15-20 times just in the course of typing this brief comment.)


Just one question about chessmentor, why don't people get to look at lessons they've "bought" when their time's run out?


broze wrote:

Just one question about chessmentor, why don't people get to look at lessons they've "bought" when their time's run out?

because it's a subscription - not buying the lessons. you could then essentially subscribe for 1 month, do ALL lessons at blitz speed, then cancel and go back and take your time and do them all. if we wanted to sell them like that then each course would be a LOT more expensive.


Ok, that makes sense I suppose.  I must say I found the Fork Tactics course very useful.  I now look at positions and automatically look for continuations leading to potential forks. 10 out of 10.

Thanks for clearing that up for me anyway erik!



something I don`t understand:

I use the sequential mode, but the order of the course is not from easy to difficult..

Example: Now I study "Exclusively Checkmates" the next course has to be normally "Introduction Of Tactics" (rating is a little bit higher), but its coming "Step Up in Tactics" which is much more difficult.

I want to learn sequential from easy to difficult, what I have to do?
