
I need a training partner

l am looking for a training partner to train with
Here I am…
I most problems I have with concentration.
Need training. If u want… Jeehaa

What are you looking for? Someone to play against, someone to go through lessons with you, etc?
I went back and reviewed several of your games playing as both black and white and it looks like your two biggest mistakes are:
1) Blunders - you are giving away way to many free pieces. It seems like you have a plan in mind without looking at your opponents plan so you're moving pieces without seeing what your opponent is going to do next.
2) Piece development - You get 2, maybe 3 pieces out early and that is it. Both knights and both bishops need to be developed off of the back rank early. Most games it also looks like you are pulling your queen out into the middle way to early in the game.
I would recommend using game review and analysis, if you're not already. Work on figuring out why you blundered pieces and what better moves you could have made to prevent the blunders and studying some chess openings that will help you with piece development during the opening.