
Hey can someone teach me?


Hey everyone, I'm looking for a player who I could play games with, and talk me through what I'm doing wrong/wright

Not looking for a coach, just a player, preferably with 1000+ rating


just take the center


I know


Training games l will play with you for just 5$ per hour.

I will analyze your games.
I will tell you what are your mistakes. And how to correct your mistakes.
And I will give you additional advices how to improve your chess game.

All that just for 5$ per hour. Feel free to contact me anytime. Just send me the message.

Luka1852 wrote:

Not looking for a coach, just a player, preferably with 1000+ rating

Eh... be a little more picky my dude. Anyone rated over 1000?

Several titled players have made instructional video courses for free on Youtube. Daniel Naroditsky, John Bartholemew, and lots of GM lectures from the St Louis Chess Club. Don't waste time trying to learn from someone rated 1100.


Yeah but I want someone to analyze my games


Sometimes I'll randomly analyze a person's games and give some analysis and tips... I see you've only played 10 games on your account though.

Honestly even if you'd played 1000 I'd end up saying some version of the same advice you'd get from beginner instructional videos... opening principles in the opening and calculate forcing moves in the middlegame.

Maybe if you have a particular game of yours you want me to look at? We can see how it goes.


You are looking for a study partner it sounds like. Send me a friend request and we can do some training. Take care.


Mmdarko is very good



Chessmaster 6000 can actually do that to a realistic degree.

Just give it one of your games for it to look over.



"I want someone to analyze my games"
++ You can post a rapid game you lost in the game analysis forum.

I would totally recommend my coach. His name is Joshua Grabinsky. He is a national master who is very skilled and knowledgeable of the game. Send him a message and he will get back to you within the hour. If you’re interested check him out. Profile will be linked below.