
Helpful Lessons? REALLY?


Before reading, I don't have membership, so I can take lessons once a week.

But the lessons are really helpful?

Does it help us to improve my chess?

Even the person who don't have premium membership, It seems hard to improve my chess



Ans 1. Yes lessons are very helpful as they teach the person tactics, openings, endgames and other things.
Ans 2. Yes it obviously improve a person since it helps us in improving in tactics, openings, middle game and endgames etc.
And other thing that u can take more than 1 in a week even if u don't have membership wink.png


I’m self taught. I got to 1600 ish purely from learning tactics from the lessons. Now I’m 2100. I would say they are pretty helpful in general happy.png.


simple puzzles and most lessons are very useful.

Tho what is lacking is lesson on creating your own system of analysis on any ongoing game and positions.

eg doing superficial analysis of lot of different moves is generally better than deep analysis of 1 or 2 lines.

evaluate even stupid-looking moves which can turn out to be brilliant !

with CC lessons you learn to recognize mate patterns.


Chess lessons typically provide structured learning plans tailored to your skill level and specific areas for improvement. This structured approach helps you focus on key concepts and gradually build upon your knowledge.


I was a beginner when was new. I am self-taught never had a chess coach. I never used lessons. Nor online tactics trainers. I used chess books instead.


If you don't want a paid membership on here there are also a lot of quality videos on youtube. Some are pretty in-depth, some more of an overview of different openings, defenses, etc. that will also help provide structure to your game.


Originally the "Lessons" were known as "Mentor". The early Mentor lessons were taken from a product called "Chess Mentor", that predated It was a series of dvd's, and you could purchase various groups of courses. This was about the year 2000 or so I think (maybe someone will correct me).

These weren't cheap, but you got quite a few hours of instruction.

The old Chess Mentor courses are still here - along with a lot of newer stuff. To find the old original courses, go to Lessons and do a search without any restrictions - but sort it by "Release" (I think you need to be on a PC to do this, I can't seem to do this on my phone). On my PC, this gives 16 pages of results. The original stuff is on the last 3 pages, and is the tactics courses by GM Wolff plus anything older. For example "Silman's Lessons in Strategy(1)", "Roots of Positional Understanding", "Essential Checkmate Patterns", plus the GM Wolff tactics courses and lots of other stuff. There were 40 or so courses I think.