
Feedbacks from my chess lessons


Hi! I'm Flavia. In this post, you can read feedback from my students about their experiences with my online chess lessons. Thanks for your interest!


I can’t thank Flavia enough for everything she has taught me over the years. Her patience and motivation have made such a difference in my growth. She doesn't just teach moves and strategies, she inspire and build confidence with each session. I'm so happy about meeting her. 


Buenas ,con la profesora Flavia clases muy amenas e instructivas ,te da para pensar y deja que lances tus ideas ,te corrige e intenta que tú juego sea dinámico ,muy agusto algún día repito la grata experiencia un saludo


Flavia classes are very educational and funny at the same time. You can solve puzzles while learning strategic concepts, and she is always trying to make you have a dynamic game style. Totally recommended happy.png

fla2021 a écrit :

Hi! I'm Flavia. In this post, you can read feedback from my students about their experiences with my online chess lessons. Thanks for your interest!

I began playing chess with Flavia 2 years ago knowing nothing! She has so much patience and is so enthusiastic that I have persevered even if sometimes I feel desperate! I have been lucky to find a so good teacher helping me steps by steps with a lot of advices. Recommended at 100%


Unfortunately life has gotten too busy so I had to stop taking lessons from Flavia, however they were both very educational AND fun. Flavia brings excitement to every lesson and makes sure you understand everything before moving on. She is very patient and is very flexible with scheduling so that you can make lessons work. I believe my rating was around 1000 when I started lessons with her. I took a break from chess for a few months and started this new account and my rating has risen by about 600! points from Flavia's lessons. Definitely recommend.


Flavia is great. , she is very knowledgeable and a great coach I am faking lessons with her and I really enjoy them.

I recomend Flavia lessons to everyone who wants to improve in chess