
Take lessons from this guy!


I took lessons from an IM (a brilliant player and excellent guy) for three years and ended up rated 750. I was 48 and my middle aged brain is too inelastic to learn chess easily. It was hard for me to keep up with the IM level of thinking and learning did not occur. I looked around for a new teacher and was lucky to connect with Viephi ( In the last 3 weeks my rating has gone up 100 points. He's kind, patient, is able to dumb things down so a 51 year old 750 rated brain can understand it, and doesn't mind going over things over and over, which must be excruciating for him but which appears to be key to helping me learn. He is inexpensive, incredibly flexible with his schedule and generous with his time. He may not have a title, but he's a terrific teacher. If you're looking to get better, shoot him a message.

Seriously, he's great. Holler at him.



absolutely.. what a coincidence to see another fellow student here! he is literally the best teacher I have ever had in any topics... highly recommended!


Agreed! Viephi is the man. Ive taken a few lessons from him already and I was surprised by how thoughtful and insightful his input was. I love the ideas he comes up with and Im positive I will improve pretty quickly with his help. I also am so addicted to chess at the moment and he always answers my questions in depth when hes free which I truly appreciate!


From opening theory to end game tactics, Viephi is brilliant.  I was kind of reluctant at first on whether or not I should even take chess lessons, but I am 100% grateful that I did.  I was able to raise rating about 200 points within the first couple of weeks of lessons by putting the things Viephi taught me into action on the Chess board.  I feel like his lessons for me have been taught on a personal level for my needs to improve on my weaknesses.  Things I didn't see before having become much clearer now, I just keep getting better and better very quickly.  I wish I would've started my lessons a lot sooner and I would have if I knew what an impact Viephi's teachings would have on me, not only on the chess board but in my personal life as well.  



"I took lessons from an IM (a brilliant player and excellent guy) for three years and ended up rated 750."
++ That does not impress much.
1 year 2000 is something to aim for.


Thank you all!


Viephi has been a big help to me with strategy and evaluating positions. It’s great to find someone who is able to make complicated concepts click. And it’s a great deal to boot! 


I've started taking lessons from Viephi and I have to agree with the rest of the ppl here.
I like how he tailor the lessons to address and improve my weaknesses in the game. He doesn't rush things and give you the time you need to let the subjects sink.
Off classes he is available to answer question via messages which is very helpful.
On top of that he is very nice and patient. The lessons very enjoyable and I find myself waiting for the next one! 


Viephi has been one of my coaches for a few months now. His style fills a big part of my growth needs and has helped me a lot. He's great at talking through positions as well as explaining concepts. We've spent a lot of time in the opening as well as some endgame concepts. He's flexible in his schedule, even with USA time. Also, he's a great communicator in English!

I very much recommend him, especially if you're looking for a hands-on coach!


Noted a couple of mature students, as I am 74 and counting. Yes, I want to up my game also.

Look forward to our coaching time. Viephi has me on an all new track. So, my hopes are high that my game will have some breakthroughs. Definently enjoy going over new material with a coach.

Desire to train with him for quite some time. My goal is to become one of his better students. All the wonderful things said prior of him are true.


it sounds like this guy is the man for lessons --- but my  inquiry is this --most of you are 750 to 1200 score starting students - would it help a person who is a bottom feeder 100 score to take lessons for this guys


by the way what does he charge - nothing in this life i found is for free - while maybe except chess .com its free so my statement is like the way i play chess mostly screwed up - 

dokerbohm wrote:

>>>it sounds like this guy is the man for lessons --- but my  inquiry is this --most of you are 750 to 1200 score starting students - would it help a person who is a bottom feeder 100 score to take lessons for this guys

I think that a coach like this is great for a lower-level player as well. Learning the fundamentals before you get too many bad habits is going to accelerate your progress and he is very patient, so new players aren't going to be frustrating to him.

>>>by the way what does he charge - nothing in this life i found is for free - while maybe except chess .com its free so my statement is like the way i play chess mostly screwed up - 

I don't know the exact rate he is charging new students, but his rates are very competitive and fair and he's not going to sit and watch the clock with an eagle eye. You're going to get more than your money's worth. happy.png



who needs coaches when you can just play live chess like me and a lot of people i know

1cbb wrote:

who needs coaches when you can just play live chess like me and a lot of people i know

If you can do it on your own, great. Coaches can accelerate your learning. To each their own. Coming to a thread about coaching just to say not to get a coach is kinda rude IMO.


I can also highly recommend Viephi -- such a nice guy, great teacher, and my rating has gone up 100 points in a month.  I was about 1050 and frankly felt like I was tricking my way into wins and didn't even deserve the rating I had. Now I'm 1160 and will probably climb another 100 points in the next few weeks as I'm winning pretty comfortably against this ratings class now that I understand positional chess a little bit and some basic principles a little better.  That's all thanks to Viephi -- left to my own devices I had plateaued.  His lessons are very affordable (at least by California standards).  


Being a husband, father to two young boys, and running a business, I knew I didn't have as much time as most to dedicate to improving my chess game. I really wanted to learn more, though, and Viephi agreed to coach me despite my limited time. I loved working with Viephi. His first lesson is free and also helps him get an idea of your playing level. He immediately gave me openings to learn with white and black, worked through puzzles and past games to learn my thinking as I play and train, and sent me articles and videos to read and watch as I could. Everything he sent was relevant to what we had discussed or what we'd been working toward in the previous lessons. Each lesson reviewed my games, but also worked toward improving a certain aspect of my game. As others have said, he's extremely patient and explains things in a way that is easy to understand and learn. My rapid rating jumped as soon as we began. I would definitely recommend!


Viephi has been my coach for approximately 4-5 months now, at a frequency of 2 hours per week. Thanks to him, my rapid rating went from 1000 to 1600. He is an extremely gifted coach and chess player. His English is flawless, explains concepts in a way that it is easy to understand, and easily adapt his coaching style to your rating, regardless of if you are 600 or 1800.

I can highly recommend him!


The coach sounds promising, but charges too much. The packs have been the most expensive price so far.


@marioparty4 - it's like $15/hr which is totally reasonable for someone to share their significant expertise

MoonBear19 wrote:

@marioparty4 - it's like $15/hr which is totally reasonable for someone to share their significant expertise

Look at the numbers, they don't add up.