
The Art of Combination by Maxim Blokh


I am struggling to find a copy of “The Art of Combination” by Maxim Blokh at a reasonable price (and condition).

I was just wondering whether anyone has a good lead on where I might be able to find a copy/whether anyone is willing to sell their copy. If so, please could you PM me.

Thank you in advance.

Seems like this book is selling anywhere from $500-1000+ used, even in very poor condition...I took a look around but couldn't find anything reasonably priced. What's your budget?

Thank you. I found one copy on Abebooks for about $150 but this is “acceptable”. I am looking for good or better, but realistically, I don’t want to pay more than the $150. I’m not convinced the book is worth any more than that.

KnightOfReyn,If you are looking for the 'combitional motifs' you can find a pdf with due legal authorizations at do not think this is worth paying so much money for it but it is quite challenging to study and I spent quite a lot of time  on it (before  being engrossed by the bridge game) Hope this will help...

pallierm wrote:

KnightOfReyn,If you are looking for the 'combitional motifs' you can find a pdf with due legal authorizations at do not think this is worth paying so much money for it but it is quite challenging to study and I spent quite a lot of time  on it (before  being engrossed by the bridge game) Hope this will help...

"The Art of Combination" is not the same book as "Combinative Motifs" (which is still in print); it's possible OP is looking for "Combinative Motifs," but I think he is looking specifically for "The Art of Combination"


MGT88 : you're right, after doing  a little research there are different books from Blokh, and this one issued around 1994 is expensive to say the least...


The Art of Combination by Maxim Blokh has also been published as Combinational Art (and is not the same as Combinational Motifs). All of Blokh's books are available in PDF format on various download sites. Blokh's books are the best tactics books around, but paying hundreds of - or one thousand - dollars for them is clearly over the top.


Bonthecat, is the book Combinational Art you refer to the same as Combination Art, published in 1993, ISBN 5-7013-0028-5?

see the picture at:

I could not find a different book called Combinational Art.


That's the one. The one I have is yellow, rather than orange, but it's the same book. I think it's been published as 'The Art of Combination', 'Combination Art', and 'Combinational Art', and with different covers, but the content is the same.

MorphytheFischer has it for $30.69 CAN + shipping -


If anyone is still looking for this book (the green 1994 book, that is), several copies have just appeared on Amazon. Still quite pricey, but they're in the $100-$140 price range instead of $500+ as they were recently priced. This is, by the way, the best tactics training book I've ever seen by far.

OldPatzerMike wrote:

If anyone is still looking for this book (the green 1994 book, that is), several copies have just appeared on Amazon. Still quite pricey, but they're in the $100-$140 price range instead of $500+ as they were recently priced. This is, by the way, the best tactics training book I've ever seen by far.

Totally agree with you, brilliant tactics books. However, 100 bucks is still an insane price.

BonTheCat wrote:
OldPatzerMike wrote:

If anyone is still looking for this book (the green 1994 book, that is), several copies have just appeared on Amazon. Still quite pricey, but they're in the $100-$140 price range instead of $500+ as they were recently priced. This is, by the way, the best tactics training book I've ever seen by far.

Totally agree with you, brilliant tactics books. However, 100 bucks is still an insane price.

No argument here: $100 is a lot of money, but the OP said he was willing to pay up to $150.

I had this book at one time but gave it away in the 1990s under the delusion that I wouldn't ever be playing chess again. Oh well...some would say that my efforts over the past few years were only trying to play chess, not actually playing it.


It's available for download as a PDF.


I had one. I loaned it to a Philippine man so he could copy them. He said he lost it somehow. In fact, he just stole it. That's what you get for kindness from someone from the Philippines. POS.


^^^ The doctor said you have too much salt in your diet.

jjupiter6 wrote:

^^^ The doctor said you have too much salt in your diet.

^^^ The doctor said you are a gullible fool and need to stop living with your mother.


looks like there’s a reissue of this book

Has anyone purchased from chessm . com ? or should I wait till it hits amazon?



Blokh's books are good books indeed.
Many of the same problems in "Art of Combination" are in Combinational Motifs, but organized in a different way or as different themes. Some of the problems in AOC are in much later sections of combinational motifs.

The CT-Art software is also based on these books and is an excellent training resource (much better than free for all usage of randomized puzzles from online game databases on various sites), but of course the number of problems is always going to be limited.

That being said, buying Art of combination if you already purchased Combinational Motifs is a bit of a waste of money. CT-Art software would probably be a better choice at that point.


I have CT-ART 1200-2400

Looks bigger at 2200 + 1800 auxiliary exercises. Are the auxiliary exercises the 5x5s and Counterplay puzzles?

My Art Of Combination pdf has 1182.

I like that the book has the 5x5s in the beginning like a warmup.

How is CombinationalMotif different?