
Square Off

I’ve just seen an advert for a chess board where the pieces move without being touched. Is this another Regium scam ? Or is this the real thing ?

It's a real thing, and you can find reviews online.  The would suggest having a little caution and looking at any video reviews before purchasing.  Older models were a little more gimmicky than the ads would have you think; you had to press down on pieces prior to moving them, and the board would generate a lot of noise moving pieces around.  Hopefully, newer models have improved this, but I don't have my hopes up.


Regiums not a scam. It comes out next month! (Laugh)

Funny you should mention Square Off - I was thinking the other day how the discussion about this board had died out. About 18 months ago, there were a few active discussions on these.


As soon as the Kickstarter backers of Square-Off get an update, we'll have something to discuss in the forums.


A very exciting project :


Same project on Indiegogo, and we're waiting with baited breath.


Unlike "Regium", Square Off has designed and produced real true automated chessboards.
I personnaly back for their NEO chessboard because I love chess and wanted to help their project.

I think automated chessboards are just at their very beginning of what the future will offer, thanks to electronic and IA.


Hello, I bought a Kingdom Set Square Off board, and it just arrived today. I am trying to set it up and cannot figure out how to play a game against a friend on the Square Off board. Is it possible to challenge a friend on a Square Off board? 


I don't understand, sorry


My square off enables me to play humans on chess. com and I don't have to move my opponents pieces. My grand kingdom also resets the board at the end of the game. I find great pleasure in being able to simulate the OTB experience. No other chess game comes close.


So you mean it's a great experience to play with an automated chessboard ?



GrandKingdom is the larger version of the SquareOff chess engine. The spaces on the left and right sides of the main chessboard are where the computer can park the chess pieces that are captured instead of simply being pushed to the side. This also allows the computer to reset the chessboard for another game - although this feature is more of a novelty as it is slower than putting the pieces back yourself.


Yes I like the experience. I like everything about it. A far better product than the previous milton bradley grandmaster and excalibur phantoms. I do still like my excalibur grandmaster. The constant software upgrades of the square off is a major plus. 


The Square Off Pro--Rollable Chess Board.

This board was announced with great fanfare in Jan, and then vanished. It has suddenly appeared on the USCF webstore. I ordered one. But I'm noticing that it is not for sale through Square Off, and I'm hoping it wasn't abandoned and the inventory dumped.


I have an email out to Square Off, and I have not yet received the board, but one youtube video I've just seen shows it buggy out of the box. 

Does anybody have this board, and if so, can you report? I bought it because my Millennium boards do not interface here at and this board does.


Those who have received the board seem very pleased.  There are several videos with the Square Off Pro on Youtube.


I got one of the first grand kingdoms, I knew it was going to be worth waiting for. My son and I have waited for the two Neos on kickstart for a couple years. They will come at some point. The two guys that started this have it together, they are growing this business so fast I imagine its hard to make them fast enough for the demand. The supply chain is a mess it has caused a lot of the problems with the neo  production. I had an issue with software and got a reply that helped me straighten it out with a quick overnight response. I thought the response was quite fast for them. They are getting better, but it should be apparent to all by now if you buy from their web site it is going to be 2 to 4 weeks and possibly you could end up back ordered. I liked their product well enough to stock them on the Legend Products web site, I can ship tomorrow, 2 to 5 day delivery. Other retailers who have them in stock will do the same in the USA. We waited around 21 days for ours. Its a fact of life the demand is greater than the production. They have been coming out with updates left and right to work out all the small issues on the new squareoff pro. You need patience here they are delivering a product that is long overdue at a  great price. Retailers have to take allot of stock to represent squareoff at a very slim margin. The squareoff people have been working hard from day one on these products, they will get the product more refined by the day and weeks to come. These guys are stimulating the whole process of creating things people can afford.


"It's a real thing, and you can find reviews online."

I guess you're talking about the Grand Kingdom? I haven't been able to find a hands-on review of the Neo or Swap.

I preordered the Swap back in November, and it says to expect it by the 28th. It hasn't shipped yet, and I don't think it will make it.

Has anyone here gotten a Swap or Neo?

I'll post an update after the 28th.

Myk_Myk wrote:

"It's a real thing, and you can find reviews online."

I guess you're talking about the Grand Kingdom? I haven't been able to find a hands-on review of the Neo or Swap.

I preordered the Swap back in November, and it says to expect it by the 28th. It hasn't shipped yet, and I don't think it will make it.

Has anyone here gotten a Swap or Neo?

I'll post an update after the 28th.

Both the square off Swap and NEO are scheduled for delivery in july this year per their website.  This was may just a month ago when I last checked but I just checked their site and it's now delayed another 2 months.



Yeah, mine hasn't shipped even though the tracking still shows Feb 28th as the expected delivery date. The Neo doesn't show up at all on the site anymore...