
Review of World Chess Studio Set


Dear all,

I recently ordered the World Chess Studio Set from the World Chess online shop (USD 418). The Set consists of a set of 3" World Chess pieces (separately available for USD 219) and a 45 mm square size folding Maple and Walnut veneer board (separately available for USD 199).

Other reviews of the World Chess Studio Set are this review by cassioiks (June 2020), this review by zbieraj (Dec 2021), which includes detailed measurements and very pretty picures, and on Reddit there is this review by /u/subspiria (Jan 2021) in the comments of a post asking question about the set.

Seeing as there is lots of information already, I will keep this review quite to the point.



The set has a King height of 3", but it feels a bit larger due to the fact that the sizes of the other pieces (especially the Knights, Rooks, and Pawns) in the World Chess design are larger (relative to the King) as compared with e.g. a German Knight / Timeless set.

I really like the World Chess design, which is further enhanced by the fact that it is a small set--its small size gives the set a certain palpable charm that I associate with model trains or dioramas. I also like the Bishops a lot, which are a bit slimmer and more elegant as compared to the full size set. (Or are they..?! More on the Bishops later...) The pieces are quite beautifully designed.

The weight of the pieces feels great. They are comfortable to hold (because of gravity pulling against my fingers allowing me to get a good grip), and they make satisfying "clunck" sounds when you put them down. The pawns are a bit lighter, but, well, they are pawns... and they still have a clearly noticeable weight to them. The pieces feel very stable.

[Interestingly, I disagree on this point with cassioiks on this, who wrote that "their light weight don't make justice for what they stand for, it gives them a cheap feel instead."]

The board is also nice and compact. The pieces work well enough on the board, though due to the pieces' size, I personally think that a slightly larger square-size would work even better. This set has a King diameter to square size ratio of 67%, which is the same ratio as the full size set on a 55 mm board (as used in tournaments).

I also put the pieces on a 50 mm board, which also works well. Because the pieces are so beautiful and charming, and probably also due to the relatively bulky Knight, the pieces seem to take up the 50 mm squares better than one would expect. Still, the ideal size for me personally would be somewhere in between, as can be seen in this picture of zagryan who modified the Studio set to work on the DGT Centaur (post #209).



While I am quite happy with the design of the pieces, I am less enthusiastic about the production quality. Once I started looking more closely, I found many flaws and imperfections. The Knight cuts are imprecise and not symmetrical; the Bishop mitre cuts have "flaps" of left-over wood in them, the circular through-hole is slightly misaligned, the through-hole of the black Bishops had craters at the "exit wound" due to sloppy technique during the drilling (note how they ebonized these damaged pieces in order to hide the damage--the white Bishops do not have these craters); there are spots of lower quality wood or finishing; the cuts of the crenelations in the Rooks are uneven.

I contacted the World Chess' customer support, and they send 7 replacements for the worst pieces without any hesitation. Of these pieces, two white Knights the similar in quality to the other pieces (so, not perfect, but OK), and the Pawn was fine as well. However, the replacement Queen had a cut, the Rook had a rattling weight, and the two black Bishops, while they didn't have these craters at the through-hole, had clearly thicker heads compared to the original ones, and one had a (what seemed) imperfection in the ebonisation. So, in fact, the model of the replacement Bishops is different (probably more equal to the full size model)--which is annoying as they now do not match the white Bishops!

Quite a sad score (3/7) for the replacement pieces. (P.S. I also had to pay EUR 5,95 shipping costs for shipping within the Netherlands--my package as held at customs until I paid an invoice I received by e-mail.)

/u/subspiria also noted that the quality seemed to lack: "Customer service has been pretty good to me, but I have only experienced faults with the sets. I could absolutely just be a very unlucky customer, but alas." Unfortunately, he is not unlucky. Rather, this is the quality we apparently have to expect.

This is impact of lacking quality control (or perhaps even specifications?) is exacerbated by the fact that World Chess ships from a warehouse, which would mean you can't even ask them to inspect the set for you before shipping it (though admittedly I am guessing here).

The board is fine and seems high-quality, but I still have some doubts about the technique of using its bottom-side felt as the hinge. I found the two halves to connect less precise to each other than the board in zbieraj's review, resulting in quite a clear gap when it lays flat. This was slightly disappointing to me.

Otherwise, the board is very well finished, matte, and looks great. I didn't contact customer support because I wanted to arrange the pieces first, and I am not sure whether my expectations were simply too high. (What do you guys think?) The board also works well with a 3" German Knight set (see picture).



The design is quite pretty, and honestly, you don't really note the imperfections when playing. Am I actually being too demanding? Curious to hear the opinions of more experienced chess set buyers. happy.png

In the end, while I expected better from a set this expensive, I decided to live with the imperfections (which are "due to them being hand-crafted"), as the worst offenders were either successfully replaced (a white Knight), or spare anyway (one of the white Queens).



Overview picture
My 3" German Knight on the 45 mm board
The original Bishops
Knight's side profile
Knight's back-sides
Spot of flawed wood in white Queen

Thanks for reading. happy.png

I don’t think you are being too picky. 418 USD for a 3” set is not a small amount. It is sad to hear about quality issues with another World Chess set. I am glad they at least did not hesitate to send you replacements. It is too bad that most of replacement pieces were also not acceptable. I hope you get it resolved with World Chess.


I just got the full sized set, and its quite funny to see my knights are nearly the same as yours in the sense that the ears and complete back of the them are pretty badly miss proportioned. Although this is my first wooden set, so Im not sure how much of the flaws can be chalked up to them being handmade.


Very nice review, sorry to hear about the inconsistencies and other problems. It *is* a premium priced set and IMO it deserves much more attention to detail prior to the sale. Excellent post-sale support is great, but it shouldn't be a required component to each transaction. Regarding the bishops, as I've mentioned a few times now, I think Daniel Weil's design is beautiful but flawed in that their craftsmen simply cannot execute it.

lotsoblots wrote:

Very nice review, sorry to hear about the inconsistencies and other problems. It *is* a premium priced set and IMO it deserves much more attention to detail prior to the sale. Excellent post-sale support is great, but it shouldn't be a required component to each transaction. Regarding the bishops, as I've mentioned a few times now, I think Daniel Weil's design is beautiful but flawed in that their craftsmen simply cannot execute it.

I agree! Even with the flaws I will still probably purchase the studio set! Its hard passing up a more compact and portable version of my favorite set ever!


Thanks for the review!


Regarding the bishops - I am so sorry to read that WC is starting to send replacement bishops with the thick design of the full-size set. I think that the thinner head design, closer to the original design, is better.


What I did not mention in my review was that actually, I asked WC to replace 3 pieces because of minor issues, which I thought would be great to correct in such an expensive set. The biggest issue was with one black bishop, which had its head covered in the blobby surface. Probably some flaw correction was done there? I have no idea.

What I also did not mention, but I did not find much irritating in the beginning is that my white knights have a different shade than the rest of the white pieces. Like it is clearly different light colour... As I can see, you have the same with one white rook, knight and the white king (and one pawn as well?). For me, it is slightly annoying now that I have those two knights in slightly off colour, but I think, that in the future, after many years, when maybe there will be a need for a new coating, I will be able to try to reduce that difference in the wood colour by adding a new layer of right coating. Again - not a priority and I don't mind just waiting those 5-10 years happy.png.


However, when I will order (again - this time directly from WC) the full-size FIDE set, I am expecting all the pieces to be the same! tongue.png


Thanks all.

zbieraj wrote:

However, when I will order (again - this time directly from WC) the full-size FIDE set, I am expecting all the pieces to be the same!

"Expecting", or "hoping"? wink.png

Aernout_nl wrote:

Thanks all.

zbieraj wrote:

However, when I will order (again - this time directly from WC) the full-size FIDE set, I am expecting all the pieces to be the same!

"Expecting", or "hoping"?



Aernout_nl wrote:

Thanks all.

zbieraj wrote:

However, when I will order (again - this time directly from WC) the full-size FIDE set, I am expecting all the pieces to be the same!

"Expecting", or "hoping"?


Wishing at this point grin.png


Just received an email today from World Chess containing "Priority access to the 2022 Edition of the Official World Chess Studio Set." wink.png

Seems to be the same as before, with the same (?) $460 price tag. This makes me think it's possible they're clearing out old inventory:

"The 2022 edition is 200 sets, each set is numbered and comes with a digital certificate of authenticity."

Either way, still a great set.

I find this thread and this set very interesting. I have noted before - in a number of different threads - that I like the Weil set design. It took me a while to warm to it and to understand the thinking behind the pieces but now I like them…. Simple. Functional. Modern.

I have also come to like various other simple sets - khopa’s recent modern Australian design and of course, classic sets such at the Chavet.

All that said, I find the price prohibitive (for me). I am not saying it’s right or wrong - indeed, probably very fair when the time of the designer is considered etc… it’s just above my price point for the design.

Alas, value is such a subjective measure … we all have different views of value.

Anyway …. It makes me think that I recently purchased a Hungarian Romanian set and then I was made aware that the original designer and carver - Biro Sándor- is still a alive and ordered a set from him accordingly. Two sets of similar design - a veritable luxury for me … and yet, around AUD$100 cheaper (2 Romanian sets combined) than a single set of the world chess pieces.

I truly am excited to receive the simple, functional Sándor pieces and one day, if I change my mind on value - which I may do!!! - I would love to do an comparison of a range of the these beautiful yet simple, functional pieces.
To be fair - and to correct my own comments above - I think the world chess pricing is for a set and my comments above relate to pieces only ….so the fact that a board is included in pricing needs to be factored in accordingly.

The white Knight and Queen pieces with grain blemishes should've been used for the black side. Poor lazy quality control at the factory. Could've easily been thrown into the "black pile."

The Knight ears are ok in my opinion for this price point. But it's your set. Your money. Your decision.

The tear/chip out issues in the Bishop mitre "hole" is common with almost every WCC set I see. Anyone who's ever drilled a hole through wood knows it's difficult to get a clean hole on the back, exit point. Especially under high magnification. Putting another piece of wood under it helps. The rounded shape of the Bishop mitre only adds to the problem. This issue should've been caught during the initial design phase before it went into mass production. 

Getting matching replacement WCC pieces is opening a can of worms, as the OP has found out. I imagine WorldChess has to contract multiple factories with different locations, carving skills, wood lots, shipments, etc to fulfill the thousands of sets and variations in their annual orders. The fact that these Indian carvers get the sets even THIS close in similarity across the board is a testament to their skill. But there are issues when you bid out and award the contract. Deadlines, budgets, profits, and skill levels in carving a handmade item are taken into account. It's become a streamlined, mass market, high volume, commodity item. 

Your best bet in getting a 99% matching replacement piece has to come from the same retailer and same shipment immediately. NOT from the manufacturer, distributor or wholesale warehouse. And even then it's not guaranteed. 

It's frustrating enough when it's a $220 WCC set, imagine when it's a $700 WCC DGT set. 

If someone out there has a pristine WCC set hold onto it tightly. happy.png  The WCC set deserves a limited edition "Camaratta Collection" type treatment. 50 numbered sets. Perfect quality control. Tungsten weights. Spare no expense. Charge a premium for it. It won't be for everyone. Many people will poo poo it as usual. But, it will still sell out to collectors. thumbup.png


How do you guys feel about the studio set compared to the full size set? I'm trying to decide which to go with. Also, do you like the contrast of the black and white pieces on the walnut board the best?


What do you want to know? This is already a pretty good thread and there's another big thread started by @zbieraj here:

And another huge thread here which includes comparisons:

The contrast is great to my eyes but that's really in the ... eyes ... of the beholder.


I guess what I'm trying to ask is do you find the portability of say a studio folding board with a smaller size to be the more worthwhile alternative or the full size set with the pieces being larger and having a heavier weight to be the more attractive offering. I know a lot of it depends on the buyer's intended use, but I was just curious how you all felt after owning the set.

I guess what I'm asking is where do you think the World Chess Set really shines.

Thanks for your time and the quick reply!


All in all,it's a nice set...but for that price and with such simple Knights it's not exactly a bargain.

Yes! The pieces should not have blemishes or issues,but that's what "we" folks have to deal with from the vast majority of today's sellers.....I have one more set on it's way to me and then I'm retiring from collecting anymore sets. I've never been involved with a hobby(and I've had plenty) where you get so much angst from buying something new.


Was it really necessary to say you feel the design is not pleasing in any way?...With all due respect,whether we like a set or not,someone else "does" and has paid hard earned cash for it,so why knock it?

It's a heck of a lot nicer than plenty of sets shown on this forum,imo.


One case where direct imports from India may actually not only be cheaper but better quality, too. I had a Chess by India WCSS set a while ago, and it didn't have such blemishes. Shame on FIDE and their "authorized" dealers.

😏I’ve said this on other related threads … I really want to see this set in the flesh. I like that it divides opinion - it seems to make people feel something… love or hate… to me that’s much better than the generic designs where I just shrug my shoulders - “meh!” I sense if I saw it, I would like this set in my collection but I’d never pay the asking price; not disrespecting those that do - each to their own but the value equation doesn’t add up for me.