
Please tell me more about Peskna software


I think it is a demo download. And I think it is associated with Convecta and maybe Chess OK.

I downloaded the demo. But now what?

The interface looks very nice. Is this going to replace all of Convecta's interfaces? I can't seem to find any information on it.

Have any of you downloaded this demo?



Sorry guys. I misspelled it. It is Peshka.



There was a first article on the software at some days ago. I downloaded the demo and it looks very nice. I am a great fan of CT-Art. I hope the Tactics trainer will copy a few of the ideas from CT-Art.


Oh dear - I did google that. Wild. Peshka is the Russian word for pawn. But that is not how people will see it in search results on (English) Google. The subtle nuances of urban slang must have been lost in translation, eh ? I had to use peshka +chess to find it. And they spell it peshk@. Very interesting product.


k - apparently, Urban Dicitonary allowes anyone to vote anonymously. That meaning of "peshka" is +7, -7. Well, -8 now since I voted it down. What likely happened, is that people googling those other terms came across The Urban Dictionary, and the search engine bumped it up into 1st place because of the traffic to that page coming from the other pages on Urban Dicitonary. Either that, or someone tricked google into giving them first page results. In either case, I suspect that once Peshk@ has been out for a while, the site will be easier to find.


do you know how to download peshka ?


i cant download it