
Old Books, Magazines, and Memorabilia Collectors


The Murfreesboro Chess Club maintains a burgeoning library, and we occasionally receive quality item donations.  Our collection is primarily made up of algebraic tomes.  When we do have older items to offer, it would be great to have a list of avid collectors.  If you know of any folks fitting this description, please have them make inquiries to: [email protected].

Many thanks in advance!

EwingKlipspringer wrote:

Stones River Tomes

Yes, the Stones River! On August 17th we’re hosting our annual Battleground Murfreesboro Tournament.


I'm not necessarily a collector but I do read books with descriptive notation so I would be glad to be notified of any books like that.

b4Queen wrote:

I'm not necessarily a collector but I do read books with descriptive notation so I would be glad to be notified of any books like that.

There are some descriptive notation books available. I will message you.