
next chess book??


. To keep peace in my family I've had to slow the accumulation of chess books by only buying one when I finish working thru one. Just finished ''Excelling at Technical Chess'' so that means I can now think about books (fun by itself), talk about chess books,... and finally buy the next one to work through.
If there is one that ''changed your life'' please suggest it. I'll accumulate suggestions, narrow it down to a few and get the cheapest or the one most likely to fix a hole in my play.


Good Chess Books for Beginners and Beyond...


Thank you.

But which ones have you worked through & changed your life?


@SwimmerBill -

There is no chess book that has changed my life. There are many chess books that I like and could recommend. But none that I would consider "life-changing" None that I believe to be the best, or better than all others.

There is only one book that I might point to that I could considered as having been "life-changing" for me:

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read it as a young man, while in college. It gave me confidence in my value system, which has held me in good stead from that time on, throughout my life.