@franzcobra I think Squareoff is a bit gimmicky and unnecessary. I think it's over engineering.
I think moving a piece for my remote opponent is fine. Voice notification is nice, however, I think the pulsing light on a DGT Pegasus or DGT Centaur board is a great balance of usability vs cost (wait until the internal mechanics of a SquareOff fails).
I think the pulsing light is a great user experience. I hear complaints about the build quality but lets hope that improves. It's no longer piece recognition (it's move recognition). Lets hope the DGT software improves in quality (including support for more platforms... particularly macOS and iOS).
Ok, but apart from the size, does anyone have a squareoff board? Works well? Worth the money?
Check out this long running thread...The second generation are faster and cheaper, but several years behind original delivery estimate. Supposedly getting ready for production now and shipping soon.