
Hikaru Nakamura autographed DRUEKE No. 64 Chess Board from 2005 Championship


I inherited a Drueke No. 64 chessboard that was signed by 25 GM, 2 WGM, and 37 other top players at the 2005 US Chess Championships held Nov 23 - Dec 5 2004 in San Diego.

Significant signatures include Hikaru Nakamura, Alex Stripunsky, and Rusudan Goletiani, ย Tatev Abrahamyan and many more.

I have had this on display for a while but am thinking of selling it, and would like to know any ones thoughts about the value and best way to go about it.

List of all 64 signers below.

GM Alex Stripunsky
GM Hikaru Nakamura
GM Gregory Kaidanov
GM Sergey Kudrin
GM Yury Shulman
GM Joel Benjamin
GM Gregory Serper
GM Alexander Onischuk
GM Alexander Goldin
GM Ildar Ibragimov
GM Boris Gulko
GM Julio Becerra
GM Alexander Fishbein
GM Gata Kamsky
GM Varuzhan Akobian
GM Aleks Wojtkiewicz
GM Alex Yermolinsky
IM Renier Gonzalez
Salvijus Bercys
GM Igor Novikov
FM Lev Milman
GM Dmitry Gurevich
GM Alexander Shabalov
GM Nick DeFirmian
IM Levon Altounian
IM Eugene Perelshteyn
GM Larry Christiansen
IM Yury Lapshun
IM Cyrus Lakdawala
IM Ben Finegold
GM Alexander Ivanov
IM Dmitry Schneider
IM Blas Lugo
GM Walter Browne
WGM Rusudan Goletiani
IM Stanislav Kriventsov
IM Ron Burnett
FM Michael Casella
WFM Tatev Abrahamyan
FM Dmitry Zilberstein
FM Joshua Friedel
IM Irina Krush
WIM Tsagaan Battsetseg
FM Marcel Martinez
FM Matt Hoekstra
FM Stephen Muhammad
FM Tegshuren Enkhbat
WGM Anna Zatonskih
FM Robby Adamson
IM Jesse Kraai
FM Bruci Lopez
GM Anatoly Lein
Iryna Zenyuk
Chouchanik Airapetian
FM Fabio La Rota
WFM Laura Ross
WIM Jennifer Shahade
WIM Anna Hahn
WFM Anna Levina 2099
Tatiana Vayserberg
Jake Kleiman
Vanessa West
WIM Esther Epstein
WFM Olga Sagalchik


How much do you want for it?

No interest in buying but read the message I sent to your acct here.

To be honest not signed ones go for about 500 usd, so i think this one is worth at least 2000 or even more.

Thatโ€™s what I thought Concorde.
Schachmonkey wrote:
Thatโ€™s what I thought Concorde.

Could you please provide me with the information on how you inherited such a valuable piece of chess history?