Hola, hay mucho material, te recomendaria los tomos de Grau, jugador argentino. Son muy didacticos cubren todas las fases de la partida.
Good pdf books for beginners?
Possibly of interest:
Simple Attacking Plans by Fred Wilson (2012)https://web.archive.org/web/20140708090402/http://www.chesscafe.com/text/review874.pdf
Logical Chess: Move by Move by Irving Chernev (1957)
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played by Irving Chernev (1965)
Winning Chess by Irving Chernev and Fred Reinfeld (1948)
Back to Basics: Tactics by Dan Heisman (2007)
Discovering Chess Openings by GM John Emms (2006)
Openings for Amateurs by Pete Tamburro (2014)
Chess Endgames for Kids by Karsten Müller (2015)
A Guide to Chess Improvement by Dan Heisman (2010)
Studying Chess Made Easy by Andrew Soltis
Seirawan stuff:
I believe for a beginner it's important to focus on checkmate patterns, here the manual:
Then one should follow with a good array of patterns like the one in this book:
A few extra recommendations:
Purdy's "Guide to Good Chess"
Lasker's "Common Sense in Chess"
Renaud and Kahn's "The Art of Checkmate"
I should add that, in my experience, most of these classics deserve new editions revised using computer analysis, as they miss many opportunities and can give the wrong idea of what happened in a game. So, if you can analyze the games on a computer while playing them, that would be the best way to learn from them.
EDIT: I forgot that the OP request was specifically for PDFs.
For Common Sense in Chess there is: https://ia600902.us.archive.org/33/items/commonsenseinche00laskrich/commonsenseinche00laskrich.pdf. Google Books has another edition available here: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Common_Sense_in_Chess/8c0KAQAAMAAJ.
Lasker´s Common Sense was one of the first chess books in english that I read. I guess that the selection in our municipal library was somewhat limited. This was in Falun in the early seventies. A happier time in chess, long before Deep Blue and War Games. An era when only humans played at chess.
I reread Lasker´s work quite recently and it is still a worthwhile read.
Is 1000 elo in 4 months good rating!
Hello, it's good, of course, but now you will need some coaching.
It´s already been mentioned but since it is the book that did the most for my understanding of the game, here it is again: Logical Chess . Move by Move by the late great Irving Chernev. Whenever my game deteriorates I revisit it. My worn (paper, not pdf) copy is in the old, descriptive, notation. in my humble opinion it is the best chess book ever written.
Hello and good evening to all.
I started playing chess like two weeks ago and i'm really excited about this game. Yes, right now i'm a total disaster but i have been reading and watching some videos to learn about, openings, middle game and doing some puzzles. I want to become strong at this game or at least "good". I'm 27 years old and yes its is late to start but i don't care at all. So, can you recommend me a couple of good books for beginners? The best of them? All i have for now is My system - Nimzovich and My best 50 games from Karpov.