
Do not get the Square Off chessboard


I recently received one of these boards for Christmas and am completely disappointed. Here are a few things you should know before purchasing one:

1. The board is great and the concept behind it is good. However, it just isn't ready for the production line yet. 

2. The app is pathetic. It is only good for playing against the computer.

3. There are very few people within the Square Off community to play against. If you want to play anything 30 minutes or over, forget it. You won't find an opponent.

4. integration is terrible. First of all, the app locks up a lot during your games. The pieces move too slowly for blitz. Seriously, your time will run out before you get to move a dozen times. Also, most of the time, it doesn't connect with your opponent. I waited for a simple 30 game and it would not connect with anyone. When I looked in live, I saw that I had somehow aborted a game to two. From my standpoint, I never got connected.


My recommendation to is to demand that Square Off gets it act together or cut ties with them. Seriously, it is bad.


I think 99 percent of the people play on I also think your a new user who needs to get through a learning curve. Time controls with increments solve the time problems. We all understood speed chess was not an option from the start. Your connecting issues with could be related to your phone, internet. I don't experience these issues. They are constantly improving the app. I own a grand kingdom an have two neos ordered and couldn't be happier.

Dennis_Petersen wrote:

I think 99 percent of the people play on I also think your a new user who needs to get through a learning curve. Time controls with increments solve the time problems. We all understood speed chess was not an option from the start. Your connecting issues with could be related to your phone, internet. I don't experience these issues. They are constantly improving the app. I own a grand kingdom an have two neos ordered and couldn't be happier.

Interesting. I have a high speed internet connection and both my iPad and my iPhone have problems with it. I know that several others across the internet are also reporting the same issues. I’m glad it is working for you though. Thanks for posting this because it gives me hope that there is some solution somewhere. Or maybe it is regional?


 The issue of peice movement speed and the workaround (increments) has been discussed several times on here.


as your issues occur or after the game go to drop down menue in the app send a message, inform them in the message you are sending a log file. send the message then go to the about section an click on the picture this will generate a log file

Dennis_Petersen wrote:

as your issues occur or after the game go to drop down menue in the app send a message, inform them in the message you are sending a log file. send the message then go to the about section an click on the picture this will generate a log file

That's just it. It locks up so you can't send anything.


Has there been any improvement with this?  I am thinking to get this to play some slower more classical game. But, I am not looking for a headache experience. I need this to relax



docmri wrote:

Has there been any improvement with this?  I am thinking to get this to play some slower more classical game. But, I am not looking for a headache experience. I need this to relax

Sadly, no. 


How about the new Swap edition (with blitz support) that is coming out?


I knew I should have waited to see others complaints roll in. Cheers for the warning.

TheChessGuy52 wrote:

How about the new Swap edition (with blitz support) that is coming out?

I have one on order and it's pretty quick judging by the videos.  I don't know if it's 3/2 blitz quick, but should be fine for 10/0.  Alas it's been Corona delayed but it gave them time to add more bells and whistles.  OK some lights (optional) on the chessboard to make following analysis easier.  We'll see how close they come to their November shipping estimate.

Terminator-T800 wrote:

I knew I should have waited to see others complaints roll in. Cheers for the warning.

Maybe, but most of the folks here seem pretty happy...

baddogno wrote:
Terminator-T800 wrote:

I knew I should have waited to see others complaints roll in. Cheers for the warning.

Maybe, but most of the folks here seem pretty happy...

Yes they seem happy with it don't they. I wish I could try one out for a few days to see if I like it or not before I handed the dirty money over.

baby_puncher wrote:

You got a free gift and were disappointed? talk about ungrateful.

Well it was from my wife and we have a joint bank account so not really free. I am not ungrateful at all. I just wanted to warn others not to spend money on it. 


I want to order a Square Off board, but on the website it says that it's not guaranteed that I recieve and I can't risk losing my money to nothing. Is it trustworthy enough to pre-order a Swap board, espacially living in Belgium?

TheChessGuy52 wrote:

I want to order a Square Off board, but on the website it says that it's not guaranteed that I recieve and I can't risk losing my money to nothing. Is it trustworthy enough to pre-order a Swap board, espacially living in Belgium?

They're a trustworthy company according to everything I've read.  I preordered a Swap way back when it was on Kickstarter because it was a good deal and I didn't mind waiting a few months.  And then Corona hit... My June delivery got pushed back to maybe November, but I'm not holding my breath.  I think it depends on how good a deal you are getting.  Eventually Amazon will stock them and the drama will be over.  Do you want to prepay for a little better deal but then have your money tied up or is it better to wait and pay a little more?  The company is legit if that's what you're worried about, but how you spend your money is up to you.  Probably didn't help much, did I? wink.png


Well it did help, I just needed confirmation that this company is legit and not some scam-company. I know, I'm too careful on the internet, but I'd rather be too careful than being totally careless. But I pre-ordered a Swap after lots of research and it will be shipped in december. Thanks for helping me!


Glad to help.  Let's hope for December then!


Wow. I've not seen these boards before. I'd love one for christmas but it seems unlikely. I guess it's going to improve but it's a great idea.