
Chess Endgames by Laszlo Polgar


A very heavy coffee table book on endgames in hardcover 1159 pages 171 types in 4560 positions. On the used book market sells for $85 Canadian or $98 U.S. plus duty taxes and shipping this is one of the most expensive endgame books money can buy when sold in mint condition not cheap ok so who would want this? I'd say either a very,very serious collector or someone with a great deal of time on their hands who wants to study the endgame in depth with the goal of climbing up the master ranks a Rubinstein type of player or someone really dedicated like Fischer used to be who's focused like a razor if he or she makes it through the entire book from cover to cover their endgame ability will be the equiviliant of at least an IM Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual or Nunn's Books on the Endgame will take them the rest of the way down the yellow brick road.


Too expensive!  For that much dough you could buy several other endgame books that will also improve your endgame and be available for reference purposes when you need or want to study a particular ending. Right now the cheapest price seems to be $78.00 at amazon


Didn't know it was that expensive, I found it in a local bookshop for 10 euros    a few days ago (wish me good luck to go through the entire book :) )


It's a difficult read, as the organization of the book is rather chaotic. Looks good on the bookshelf though... Innocent

DRAKHIR wrote:

Didn't know it was that expensive, I found it in a local bookshop for 10 euros    a few days ago (wish me good luck to go through the entire book :) )

Good luck, but if you don't like it check out my blog on endgame books and get something else.

DRAKHIR wrote:

Didn't know it was that expensive, I found it in a local bookshop for 10 euros    a few days ago (wish me good luck to go through the entire book :) )

Hey congrats on finding it at a reasonable price good luck:)

It's the chess equiviliant of that old 96er steak from the movie the great out doors with Johnny Candy.

Bon apetite!!


I think that book by Polgar is being reprinted.  I saw it at a local U.S. chain book store a couple of months ago at (if I remember correctly) the list price of $29.95.  I passed it thinking I could pick one up later, but they appear to have been inflated beyond reason on Amazon, so hopefully more reprints will show up.



Your right this book is overkill your average player can make due with other books like Silman's Endgame course which has all the essential stuff a player needs to know or 100 endgames you must know by Jesus de Villa and if they work through that they can go on to other books.

The Polgar book as I said is for a strong dedicated player who wants it for a reason and is willing to comb through it to aquire the knowledge to work through this entire book and master it cover to cover would take at least 4-6 years I suppose someone could work through it faster if they speed read through it but there's no point.


Load of garbage. For that price.. Spend your money elsewhere. Most average players never reach the end. Too much information


i have it on chessbase