
Chess book


Hi Everyone,
Im an advanced intermediate player (got to 1600 blitz)
Im looking to read a chess book
Do you have any recommendations that are appropriate for my lvl?
Which chess books did you read that helped you?
Thank you

thank you


Don't read a chess book . . .

Set the board and play it out, you'll remember it better . . .



Simple Chess: A great explanation of strategy, making it very easy to understand. You have it on YT as well:


Study these...they are each excellent and together will definitely help you to improve....take the time to understand what you are reading....don't rush!

1. Learn to Play Chess Like a Boss by Patrick Wolff

2. Weapons of Chess by Bruce Pandolfini 

3. Winning Chess Strategies by Yasser Seirawan

you might also check out......

Good Chess Books for Beginners and Beyond...

Learning to play good chess is a odyssey, not an epiphany


if I look at my books I see these kinds that I can recommend to you:

endgame books: thin books on theoretical endgames like Averbakh's: Chess endings essential knowledge

endgame strategy books: Chernev's Capablanca's greatest endings, and hereshevsky's Endgame strategy

Game collections: Keres, Fischer, Smyslov, Botvinnik

tactics books: The Art of Checkmate and Alburt's Chess Training Pocket Book (s)

openings: a general book that explains with words openings and gives at least 1 sample game for each. (I dont have a specific suggestion here)

strategy books: Pachman's Modern Chess Strategy, and Grooten's similarly titled book.



here is a video for the top 10 best chessbooks for intermediate player


wow -- so much to study so many books to read -- if you are playing chess all the time when do you have time to read books about chess - and maybe hold a job down -- have a life /maybe a wife / maybe when you retire you say --- wrong -- so much to do -- and keep on playing chess -- when do the books come in again ot at least the tiime to read them -- on vacation ( coarse that takes money )on a beach -- no cell phone - just sun water and drinks and beach towel reading chess books and looking at really girls in bathing suits walk bye while you are reading chess books ----- hummmmmmmmmmmmmm-- a dog chasing it tail------------