
Chess board rack / storage


I’ve been looking for a way to store my boards vertically. Wall space isn’t an option. I ended up grabbing some raw cherry table legs and ‘cleats’ the place sells to mount the legs to a table top. It’s still a work-in-progress - I need to fill the ‘extra’ holes with dowel, stain and finish the wood, then apply some felt strategically to protect the boards. It’s a lot of work! Is there anything similar on the market? Or an easier solution - besides thinning the herd?


I used 2 large table picture frame holders from Amazon $10 placed side by side. And they are vertical holding my 3 large wood chess boards. On top of a small 3 drawer wood and canvas storage cabinet.


It looks similar to this art storage rack sold on Amazon for $36.


Looks very nice, @baudouin27.