What is that food in the 1st and 2nd picture? It looks good 😋
Charity Shop Chess Set.
I'm not a chess set collector, but I love seeing photos like this. Thanks for sharing. It makes me want to play some chess
What is that food in the 1st and 2nd picture? It looks good 😋
I was just kidding. The chess set looks really cool, especially the 3D queen
you can show off your chess stuff here, we would love to see it, we made a sticky.
Show off your chess stuff here.
£10, immaculate condition. I think it is Polish style?
Can you have enough chess sets?
Yes and yes.
£10, immaculate condition. I think it is Polish style?
Can you have enough chess sets?
Yes and yes.
herman, could you show me how many chess sets is enough ;-DDD
£10, immaculate condition. I think it is Polish style?
Can you have enough chess sets?