
Anyone see Chessbaron's sets?


I am wondering if any of you folks have been impressed with the amazing sets this vendor has.

Expensive,but some are limited editions and really superb/different.

I may have to "want" to "want" one of these down the road....Regards.


I think someone recently posted about their bad experience with in the UK. Let me see if I can dig it up. 

[Edit] I can't find it. Sorry but I remember someone posting on multiple threads to not buy from I don't know if that's the site you're looking at.

I bought my WCC sets from him. He is easy to reach, ships in a timely manner- no complaints from me!

Here is one of the threads. See post 7. ArtfulDodger67 posted in 4 threads to not buy from Chess Baron in the UK. Here is the first one


Why do idiots pull out negative feedback what is that about ? ChessBaron has been in the chess business for almost 20 years and served many thousands of happy customers ! So why aren’t you gauging on the positives ?? ChessBaron are a fine chess retailer and it really grinds my gears when idiots decide to condemn a company because someone decides to get on here and complain about their own experience

This place has become laughable

Man! Carl for someone who is about to retire, you are very mean. I don't know what happened to you to cause this. I don't appreciate being called an idiot. I am only answering the OPs question with a thread I read. Gee whiz no one has any decency these days. 

Out of almost everyone I along with a few others stood up for the suppliers and you're calling me an idiot! And correct me if I am wrong, after I stood up for the suppliers, you interjected and agreed with everyone who was talking poorly about how SC was not responsive. And you have the nerve to call me an idiot?

[edit] See post #70


They have some beautiful/limited run sets....True eye candy.

EX: If one is lucky enough to afford it......The Parisian Pieces have a run of only "three".

Aside from being absolutely stunning,imagine owning such a prize.

I wish I had not pulled the trigger on a new set a month ago....No way to sell this one to the wife...Drats!-happy.png

Why do idiots pull out negative feedback what is that about ? ChessBaron has been in the chess business for almost 20 years and served many thousands of happy customers ! So why aren’t you gauging on the positives ?? ChessBaron are a fine chess retailer and it really grinds my gears when idiots decide to condemn a company because someone decides to get on here and complain about their own experience

This place has become laughable

It's called reviews. You may have a history of great experiences. However it only takes one bad experience to ruin a long history of positive experiences. For me one event won't cause me to lose confidence but two or more. I begin to question the quality of the company's standards of serving its customers.


pls join Raging Rooks

Raging Rooks


KnightsForkCafe wrote:
Why do idiots pull out negative feedback what is that about ? ChessBaron has been in the chess business for almost 20 years and served many thousands of happy customers ! So why aren’t you gauging on the positives ?? ChessBaron are a fine chess retailer and it really grinds my gears when idiots decide to condemn a company because someone decides to get on here and complain about their own experience

This place has become laughable

It's called reviews. You may have a history of great experiences. However it only takes one bad experience to ruin a long history of positive experiences. For me one event won't cause me to lose confidence but two or more. I begin to question the quality of the company's standards of serving its customers.

For me, I always take the good with the bad. I don't believe all of the good and I don't believe all of the bad. I always smell something fishy when it is 100% good. Life is never 100% anything. I would not have a problem with 1-3% negative reviews. I also read the reviews to see what went wrong. Obviously if everyone keeps saying don't trust this seller then it is a red flag to stay away. If one or two said stay away then maybe these were just isolated issues. I think there will always be someone who had a bad experience. It is just natural for that to happen.


If I could a afford a Novag Citrine back the, I would have purchased the wooden pieces that ChessBarron sold for that dedicated chess computer 10 years ago regardless of the price. It was That good of an upgrade. 

MCH818 wrote:

Man! Carl for someone who is about to retire, you are very mean. I don't know what happened to you to cause this. I don't appreciate being called an idiot. I am only answering the OPs question with a thread I read. Gee whiz no one has any decency these days. 

Out of almost everyone I along with a few others stood up for the suppliers and you're calling me an idiot! And correct me if I am wrong, after I stood up for the suppliers, you interjected and agreed with everyone who was talking poorly about how SC was not responsive. And you have the nerve to call me an idiot?

[edit] See post #70

I think it’s really unfair to spread negativity based on a minority review 

you and others are spreading doubt on a company who have a proven track record stretching back some 20 years , you never once stop to think of the potential damage you and others are causing  , yes it’s called a review and the op posted their experience, however you went fishing to repost it ! 

as for Staunton castle , I stand by my assertion that communication should always be maintained albeit by email of messenger if indeed a telephone cannot be manned, but it’s vital to keep the customer informed about their order 






MCH818 wrote:

Man! Carl for someone who is about to retire, you are very mean. I don't know what happened to you to cause this. I don't appreciate being called an idiot. I am only answering the OPs question with a thread I read. Gee whiz no one has any decency these days. 

Out of almost everyone I along with a few others stood up for the suppliers and you're calling me an idiot! And correct me if I am wrong, after I stood up for the suppliers, you interjected and agreed with everyone who was talking poorly about how SC was not responsive. And you have the nerve to call me an idiot?

[edit] See post #70

I think it’s really unfair to spread negativity based on a minority review 

you and others are spreading doubt on a company who have a proven track record stretching back some 20 years , you never once stop to think of the potential damage you and others are causing  , yes it’s called a review and the op posted their experience, however you went fishing to repost it ! 

as for Staunton castle , I stand by my assertion that communication should always be maintained albeit by email of messenger if indeed a telephone cannot be manned, but it’s vital to keep the customer informed about their order 






It was a review I clearly remembered because he posted in 4 or 5 different threads. In each thread all he said was don't buy from Chess Baron in the UK. This is the only review I have ever seen of Chess Baron. I replied in one of them asking him for more info. Someone else responded about how @ArtfulDodger67 already explained in another thread. When @Magictwanger posted this thread asking about Chess Baron I only linked him to the only thread I could remember. The OP asked and I answered.

I want also mention that I did the same thing recently regarding a good review. Here is an example. See post #4 - I directed the OP to a good review and I had to "fish" for it.

This site is for reviews. You might not like what is being said but everyone has a right to an opinion and people have bad experiences. People share the good and bad. Should we not share those bad experiences with others. Should we not share the horror stores we have read somewhere. Do you want us only to talk about the good stuff? Should we stay quiet about suppliers ignoring people, suppliers sending damaged products, suppliers with false advertisement, etc? This site is for the good and bad about chess equipment.

What isn't good is when you call someone an idiot. This is especially true when you own a famous brand like Official Staunton. This is especially true when it is directed at someone who does not deserve it. I am a pretty nice guy. I am a massive perfectionist. This is true. I love designs of chess sets. I don't deserve to be called an idiot. I think this is what is unfair. However you have a right to your opinion even if it is a personal attack on me. You want to call me an idiot then feel free.

MCH818 wrote:
MCH818 wrote:

Man! Carl for someone who is about to retire, you are very mean. I don't know what happened to you to cause this. I don't appreciate being called an idiot. I am only answering the OPs question with a thread I read. Gee whiz no one has any decency these days. 

Out of almost everyone I along with a few others stood up for the suppliers and you're calling me an idiot! And correct me if I am wrong, after I stood up for the suppliers, you interjected and agreed with everyone who was talking poorly about how SC was not responsive. And you have the nerve to call me an idiot?

[edit] See post #70

I think it’s really unfair to spread negativity based on a minority review 

you and others are spreading doubt on a company who have a proven track record stretching back some 20 years , you never once stop to think of the potential damage you and others are causing  , yes it’s called a review and the op posted their experience, however you went fishing to repost it ! 

as for Staunton castle , I stand by my assertion that communication should always be maintained albeit by email of messenger if indeed a telephone cannot be manned, but it’s vital to keep the customer informed about their order 






It was a review I clearly remembered because he posted in 4 or 5 different threads. In each thread all he said was don't buy from Chess Baron in the UK. This is the only review I have ever seen of Chess Baron. I replied in one of them asking him for more info. Someone else responded about how @ArtfulDodger67 already explained in another thread. When @Magictwanger posted this thread asking about Chess Baron I only linked him to the only thread I could remember. The OP asked and I answered.

I want also mention that I did the same thing recently regarding a good review. Here is an example. See post #4 - I directed the OP to a good review and I had to "fish" for it.

This site is for reviews. You might not like what is being said but everyone has a right to an opinion and people have bad experiences. People share the good and bad. Should we not share those bad experiences with others. Should we not share the horror stores we have read somewhere. Do you want us only to talk about the good stuff? Should we stay quiet about suppliers ignoring people, suppliers sending damaged products, suppliers with false advertisement, etc? This site is for the good and bad about chess equipment.

What isn't good is when you call someone an idiot. This is especially true when you own a famous brand like Official Staunton. This is especially true when it is directed at someone who does not deserve it. I am a pretty nice guy. I am a massive perfectionist. This is true. I love designs of chess sets. I don't deserve to be called an idiot. I think this is what is unfair. However you have a right to your opinion even if it is a personal attack on me. You want to call me an idiot then feel free.

I do not recall calling any one person an " idiot" ? however you seem to have owned it ? 

my point is, why not concentrate on the positives of companies? surely if the odds far outweigh the negative reviews, then it seems unfair to post in detriment of the said company, that is my point - and yea its a touchy subject because we retailers do really try to please the customer as much as is possible, as we did for you too Michael, you'll remember how well you were looked after. 


Well, I owned it because you posted after my last post. I thought and still think you were referring to me even though apparently you don't want to own up to it. That's fine.

I remember you took care of my situation and I have said nothing but the truth about you. There was an issue with the set you sent but you took care of it to my complete satisfaction. I thought you were such a nice guy for doing that. I will leave it at that and won't say anything further about you. Feel free to say anything you want about me or what I said here in this post. I won't respond to you further here or anywhere else for that matter for a long while.


@theendgame3 Thank you for backing me up.


I just checked them out. Some of those sets would look good in a multi million $ french provincial style home. wink.png Not much there to my taste.

theendgame3 wrote:
MCH818 wrote:

@theendgame3 Thank you for backing me up.

100% bro- we can say what we want about retailers good or bad. I knew nothing about boards and pieces or retailers until I joined this forum. This is the best forum in the world for chess equipment and that's a FACT. And a lot of guys have shared their amazing sets and have also shared when they got burnt too. 

The guys on here know their sets and these are the go to people for advice. I've asked a lot of my friends on here for advice on pieces and retailers, because you will get an honest opinion thru their experience of dealing with retailers and their knowledge of sets. 

You owe this guy NOTHING bro- and yeah so he should "look after you" if there was an issue with the set. Big WOW, he's want praise for rectifying a mistake? - thats "laughable".

If he thinks our forum is "laughable", he should move on if he has trouble digesting criticism.

Instead of throwing a major piss fit by calling collectors and customers on here "idiots". 🤮



I agree. This is a good place to find out info on chess stuff and generally people do express honest opinions. 

I agree it is not good for a retailer to call anyone names but give Carl a break. He is really a nice guy despite his recent posts. The chess industry is under a lot of stress from the holidays. It has been a really difficult 2020 for everyone and 2021 does not look any better. I know from my personal experience with work in 2020 sometimes the stress levels are high and I just need to release the pressure. When it happens for me it is usually very ugly. Everyone deserves some understanding. Carl is certainly included in this.


@theendgame3 Understood. Thanks for backing me up though. 

MCH818 wrote:

Man! Carl for someone who is about to retire, you are very mean. I don't know what happened to you to cause this. I don't appreciate being called an idiot. I am only answering the OPs question with a thread I read. Gee whiz no one has any decency these days. 

Out of almost everyone I along with a few others stood up for the suppliers and you're calling me an idiot! And correct me if I am wrong, after I stood up for the suppliers, you interjected and agreed with everyone who was talking poorly about how SC was not responsive. And you have the nerve to call me an idiot?

[edit] See post #70

I think it’s really unfair to spread negativity based on a minority review 

you and others are spreading doubt on a company who have a proven track record stretching back some 20 years , you never once stop to think of the potential damage you and others are causing  , yes it’s called a review and the op posted their experience, however you went fishing to repost it ! 

as for Staunton castle , I stand by my assertion that communication should always be maintained albeit by email of messenger if indeed a telephone cannot be manned, but it’s vital to keep the customer informed about their order 






Maybe if you are this concerned about a competitor you should offer him advice or resources to help him get through this rough time.

Why should anyone think that you are participating in this discussion in good faith?