
any great chess book?

i wanna learn more about chess. does somebody knows a great book i need to read

In my opinion, one of the best chess book ever.
"My system." Aron Nimzowitsch


Good Chess Books for Beginners and Beyond...

Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond.....


I agree My System and Chess Praxis by Aron Nimzowitsch is a must read....


If the OP is a relatively new player, I would suggest "How to Play Chess Like a Boss!" by Patrick Wolff


At your rating I would also suggest author Bruce Pandolfini; Weapons of Chess is a fine book! Short lessons and easy insightful reading.


Chess Fundamentals - Capablanca


Ultimate guide to chess by Pandolfini and Bobby Fischer teaches chess for your level.


Simple Chess: A great explanation of strategy, making it very easy to understand. You have it on YT as well:


All of the books mentioned by others above are good ones, but if you are just starting to study chess they might be too advanced for you to get the most out of them. GM Maurice Ashley says that when he was first learning chess, "Logical Chess: Move by Move" by Irving Chernev was the book that helped him to really understand the game.

My recommendation: study the Chernev book. And I mean really study it, not just read through it. If it takes 6 months to get through it, that's fine. If you grasp what it's saying, the time spent will pay off. Then move on to any or all of the other books.

Best of luck and much enjoyment on your chess journey!


I recently made a relevant recommendation in a different thread:

"If you only read one chess book in your life, Purdy's Guide to Good Chess may be the most beneficial. It's both helpful and concise, so it packs a lot of helpful advice in its pages.

The Art of the Checkmate by Georges Renaud and Victor Kahn is great for helping you spot mating opportunities.

After these, I would recommend Irving Chernev's books, starting with:
Logical Chess: Move by move
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played
Combinations: The Heart of Chess
and then continuing with his other books."


thanks Laurentiu-Cristofor . I am now in my last year of college. Thanks to I have time to read books on weekends. But I also work, so it's difficult to combine it all. When I graduate from college, I will read books much more often and will be able to share my list

The Soviet Chess Primer