
If Kasparov Were President of the United States of America


What would it be like if Garry Kasparov ran for President of the United States of America...and won?


  1. Taxes would be based on your ELO rating.
  2. At least one network television station would be replaced with Chess TV.
  3. National Bobby Fischer Day
  4. We would have 64 states.
  5. New high school class: Russian Chess History.
  6. Chess Colleges would be opened all across the country and attended by many.
  7. Any military battles we would face would be a piece of cake as long as they let Garry place tiny models on the map and "play" the war.
  8. The Presidential seal would have the words "Check" and "Mate" added.
  9. International conflicts would be resolved by a simple game of chess. Victory: USA.
  10. Congress would debate over whether King or Queen's gambit is better.
  11. All horses in the continental United States would be required to move in an "L" pattern. Ranchers would be outraged.
  12. Bishops would be forced to walk diagonally during mass.
  13. All chess pieces created after Garry's Presidency begins would be made to look like Garry. Ranchers would be outraged.
  14. Checker Cab Service would see a huge increase in business.
  15. Gambling on chess in NYC parks would be legalized...and encouraged.
  16. Superbowl Sunday? Try Super Chess Everyday.
  17. The man in the offensive advertisement would attempt to have Garry impeached. He would fail miserably.
  18. The internet link to the white house would simply point to the URL.
  19. The pass code to launching our nuclear weapons would be "1.e4"
  20. Putin would be so jealous.

lol. I love it!!
I think Erik would like #18