
Help fund Battlechess

Swen7AWinter wrote:

You are very right @Easytarget. I said the same thing to everyone but none listened. This topic is worth a lock. They all stood against me, @Lostseoull and @EytanRozen who said that this topic is to be locked. It seems now everyone is compromising with what I'm saying. This was a troll topic rekindled now and found one of the most sumptuous forum posters, @EscherehcsE getting muted because of the same reason, and who knows he may have created the same muddle on all the forums he has posted. @BattlechessGN18 a.k.a @FryMuchan has also been reported, might soon witness a mute in his account, wiping out all her "Pointless posts".

Quoted for documentation purposes.

Swen7AWinter wrote:

If ever @BattlechessGN18 was interested in this topic, she should have created a new forum farming comments there, not here posting comments in a "Funding" topic. Maybe the support also has found the same fault with @EscherehcsE which might be the central pinpoint getting his account restricted. I knew there was something dubious while viewing all their posts here and the most amusing part is that they all blamed me for having faults while the person itself didn't recognize his/her problem. Once again I hope that If this forum gets to the eye of a moderator and he will lock this even before it turns into a more oversized troll.

Quoted for documentation purposes.


Ah, I see! So, even I was wrong! A moderator didn't after all admonish you about anything pertaining to this thread, let alone ban you because of it.

This got way better. happy.png


Honestly, I think our suspicion is right, @EscherehcsE. One or many of the few who replied here who insisted that either

1 - The conversation (regarding BC-GoK) is "childish",

2 - The thread is spam and needs to be locked, so that @BattleChessGN18 can't respond to the old thread anymore, or

3 - An FBI agent is supervising us on here,

is likely hijacking the conversation about Battle Chess: Game of Kings because he/she/they don't like my negative review for it. Why? He's/she's/they're probably the developer(s), promoter(s) and/or the owner(s) of it. They figured that, the more they push my stark negative review about them into the deep black abyss, the more they can possibly save their profits from innocent potential buyers having to read it.

They likely know that my negative review as a stand alone topic won't garnish as many readers, most especially after it was already posted here. That may be why Mr. @Swen7AWinter is so comfortable insisting that I start a new thread rather than posting it here in an old thread "that shouldn't be revived".

BattleChessGN18 wrote:

And, yet, here we all are; still here.

Why are we still here, again?

BattleChessGN18 wrote:

I'm terribly sorry. I've been very disappointed with the outcome of Battle Chess: Game of Kings. (GoK)

This latest installment of 2012 looks nothing like any of the older classic Battle Chess versions. It especially bears little to no resemblance of the greatly-loved 1991-92/93 release.

Several of issues wit GoK:

  • - It's 2021 now, and they still haven't fixed most bugs. (Or, have they, and I just happened to be at the unlucky end to receive the very rare ones that hardly affected anyone else.) The game still crashes, and some of the models still lose coloration amid a match.
  • - Battle Chess has always been known for its take-back features, not to mention its capability to allow white and black to be CPU, human, or both of one or the other; per user's choice. Maybe even switch from CPU to human, and back again during mid game. People use that feature as a tool for their benefit, when they're not playing a serious game. GoK is the one version of all Battle Chess releases that is deprived of these two useful features.
  • - Battle Chess has always been known to allow users to modify and/or set up their own positions. Again, GoK is the one version that doesn't include it.
  • - Battle Chess has always had 10 levels, plus a novice one. GoK has 6. And they're all moderately-easy to freakin' easy to beat! Which skydives me into my next (and most important) point.
  • - Everyone who knows Battle Chess knows its reputation well: it was sl#*^sf&)+@ difficult to beat; even at its novice level!! (It boasted a rating of around 1250-1350; for the novice level!) It saw 'every' opportunity to capture material points. You always felt like it was 2 or 3 steps ahead of you. If there was an opportunity to sneak up on you, chances are, you wouldn't even know it until it was too late. It tricked you into positions that you thought could win you points; only to learn that took your Knight, or worst, your Rook for free! If you made even a small blunder, or the program can see that you might even possibly make it in a move or two, Battle Chess will exploit the living Tartarus out of you! ---------------- People who used Battle Chess hated it and, yet, loved it all the same; because it really taught players how to play better. I can't tell you how many times I use Battle Chess, knowing that I'll horribly lose against it, before playing other players, just to enhance and repolish my skills right before a match. It has taught me how to be sneaky; how to see moves that regular players don't typically see (unless said-player is more than somewhat more advanced than me). I've learned so much from this program, as the first program I've ever used on a computer. ---------------- With GoK, on the other hand, you basically can capture pieces very easily, as Level 6 was more or less the level of BattleChess 1993's novice level; probably even worse by a slight. There have been so many moments that GoK almost seemingly sacrificed its pieces on purpose, just so you can say, "Yay!!! Me winzz!!! Me'z some chess wonder-womanzzzzz!!". I'm describing its level 6, so imagine just how yawn-worthy its lower levels are. Heh.
  • Throughout all of Battle Chess's history, all versions except GoK designed a rock monster for a Rook; which transforms itself from a tower when it moves. GoK is the one version that replaced this character with some ugly, pretentious sounding sumo-wrestler in a helmet; holding Thor's hammer. No other version had this. (Battle Chess 2000's space theme made its Rook a bot-tower that transformed itself into a tall, beastly cyberbot; this character was, before GoK, the most diverged from the original tower-turns-stone-beast, and even it held onto the tower-transforms-beast model!)
  • Finally, they switched the coloration around. Throughout Battle Chess history, it upheld the tradition of making the White pieces a bright "cheery" red, and the Black pieces a sinister shade of evening blue. In GoK, its switched around, where Black is assigned red, and Blue is assigned White; which turned me (and I'm sure other Battle Chess lovers) off faster than the game could say  "Onwards!"

I can't reiterate myself enough. I'm extremely disappointed with the latest installment of BattleChess: Game of Kings (GoK)!! It basically spat on what everyone knew of Battle Chess.

(My first response to this thread, on page 1)


This is why.

This is what we (or at least I) was talking about, before all the distraction.

BattleChessGN18 wrote:
BattleChessGN18 wrote:

I'm terribly sorry. I've been very disappointed with the outcome of Battle Chess: Game of Kings. (GoK)

This latest installment of 2012 looks nothing like any of the older classic Battle Chess versions. It especially bears little to no resemblance of the greatly-loved 1991-92/93 release.

Several of issues wit GoK:

  • - It's 2021 now, and they still haven't fixed most bugs. (Or, have they, and I just happened to be at the unlucky end to receive the very rare ones that hardly affected anyone else.) The game still crashes, and some of the models still lose coloration amid a match.
  • - Battle Chess has always been known for its take-back features, not to mention its capability to allow white and black to be CPU, human, or both of one or the other; per user's choice. Maybe even switch from CPU to human, and back again during mid game. People use that feature as a tool for their benefit, when they're not playing a serious game. GoK is the one version of all Battle Chess releases that is deprived of these two useful features.
  • - Battle Chess has always been known to allow users to modify and/or set up their own positions. Again, GoK is the one version that doesn't include it.
  • - Battle Chess has always had 10 levels, plus a novice one. GoK has 6. And they're all moderately-easy to freakin' easy to beat! Which skydives me into my next (and most important) point.
  • - Everyone who knows Battle Chess knows its reputation well: it was sl#*^sf&)+@ difficult to beat; even at its novice level!! (It boasted a rating of around 1250-1350; for the novice level!) It saw 'every' opportunity to capture material points. You always felt like it was 2 or 3 steps ahead of you. If there was an opportunity to sneak up on you, chances are, you wouldn't even know it until it was too late. It tricked you into positions that you thought could win you points; only to learn that took your Knight, or worst, your Rook for free! If you made even a small blunder, or the program can see that you might even possibly make it in a move or two, Battle Chess will exploit the living Tartarus out of you! ---------------- People who used Battle Chess hated it and, yet, loved it all the same; because it really taught players how to play better. I can't tell you how many times I use Battle Chess, knowing that I'll horribly lose against it, before playing other players, just to enhance and repolish my skills right before a match. It has taught me how to be sneaky; how to see moves that regular players don't typically see (unless said-player is more than somewhat more advanced than me). I've learned so much from this program, as the first program I've ever used on a computer. ---------------- With GoK, on the other hand, you basically can capture pieces very easily, as Level 6 was more or less the level of BattleChess 1993's novice level; probably even worse by a slight. There have been so many moments that GoK almost seemingly sacrificed its pieces on purpose, just so you can say, "Yay!!! Me winzz!!! Me'z some chess wonder-womanzzzzz!!". I'm describing its level 6, so imagine just how yawn-worthy its lower levels are. Heh.
  • Throughout all of Battle Chess's history, all versions except GoK designed a rock monster for a Rook; which transforms itself from a tower when it moves. GoK is the one version that replaced this character with some ugly, pretentious sounding sumo-wrestler in a helmet; holding Thor's hammer. No other version had this. (Battle Chess 2000's space theme made its Rook a bot-tower that transformed itself into a tall, beastly cyberbot; this character was, before GoK, the most diverged from the original tower-turns-stone-beast, and even it held onto the tower-transforms-beast model!)
  • Finally, they switched the coloration around. Throughout Battle Chess history, it upheld the tradition of making the White pieces a bright "cheery" red, and the Black pieces a sinister shade of evening blue. In GoK, its switched around, where Black is assigned red, and Blue is assigned White; which turned me (and I'm sure other Battle Chess lovers) off faster than the game could say  "Onwards!"

I can't reiterate myself enough. I'm extremely disappointed with the latest installment of BattleChess: Game of Kings (GoK)!! It basically spat on what everyone knew of Battle Chess.

(My first response to this thread, on page 1)


This is why.

This is what we (or at least I) was talking about, before all the distraction.

Yep, it's very discouraging when a new version of a software program removes basic features that were in previous versions. You always ask yourself the question, "Why on earth did they do that?"


battlechess sounds amazing.  where do i send my cheque?

4_proud_provinces wrote:

battlechess sounds amazing.  where do i send my cheque?

Idk, I'm sure you can find some link that will take your money...

Maybe it's on Steam? Not sure... (Don't forget to check the reviews, lol)


idk?  i'm literally offering money and you don't fqing know where i'm supposed to send it?  there's an object lesson in there somewhere.  or maybe you're the wrong guy to be talking to.

4_proud_provinces wrote:

idk?  i'm literally offering money and you don't fqing know where i'm supposed to send it?  there's an object lesson in there somewhere.  or maybe you're the wrong guy to be talking to.

If you want to buy it, then yeah, I'm the wrong guy to talk to. I'm not shilling for the product. In fact, based on what I've read, it's nothing I'd want, even at the bargain basement price of free.



Which version of Battle Chess are you trying to buy? Game of Kings?

If so, that's easy: it's being sold on Steam.

(I'm guessing you're not talking about Battle Chess 4000 or BC1992-3; those run on much older computer platforms; unless you are in fact asking about them.)

NikkiLikeChikki wrote:

So Battle Chess is just chess with animated fighting? The fighting doesn't actually accomplish anything? I'm sure there's a certain charm, but the novelty would wear off quickly. It seems to me that a much more interesting game would be if you actually had to fight the battles. For instance, a queen would be very powerful, but have only so many hit points: a rook couldn't defeat a queen, but could weaken it to the point where the next battle against a rook would end badly.

But I congratulate you on trying to keep the game alive. I'm sure it holds a special place in the hearts of many players.


I'm sure the topic might not matter to you much anymore, especially after the raging winds that happened on pages  5-8 recently. However, I was meaning to respond to you. (Remember that I tried leaving you a response that was accidently deleted before posting? tongue.png)

What I wanted to mention to you is, I vaguely remember seeing a youtube video of such video game chess variant, where, when a piece captures another piece, the two pieces battle each other like two 3D arcade game characters, supplied with hitpoint bars that decrease after every hit. If the captor wins, he/she takes the place of the captured piece. (I can't remember what happens if the confronted piece wins. Either the game reverts back to the pre-capture position and the player must make another move, or the captor is deleted off the board while the confronted piece remains in position.)

I can't remember what this video game was called. I thought it was "Battle Versus Chess", but that is a completely different chess software game altogether, and it isn't a variant like the one I'm mentioning above. (Though, "Battle Versus Chess" does have very cool high-fantasy characters, I must say!) 

I'll see what I can do find it out, if you're interested.


post update - Oh, wait! My bad! The chess program in question is indeed called "Battle Versus Chess"! I was right.

Apparently, I didn't know there were two modes of the program:

- a default chess match, where a capture lets the captor takes the captured enemy piece's place on the board; per regular rules of standard FIDE chess. 

- a mode which is the variance I was describing: you have to battle the captured piece in order to win his/her square on the board.

BattleChessGN18 wrote:


Which version of Battle Chess are you trying to buy? Game of Kings?

If so, that's easy: it's being sold on Steam.

(I'm guessing you're not talking about Battle Chess 4000 or BC1992-3; those run on much older computer platforms; unless you are in fact asking about them.)




@4_proud_provinces You'll love the awesome animations. The eye-candy, pleasant scenery and action sequences are worth the nice little purchase. happy.png

(My negative review was focused more on its ability to play chess; and how its defiance of the series' certain tradition offends the sensibilities of long time Battle Chess veterans. I'm sure the younger 2000-2020 generation can't relate to it.)

BattleChessGN18 wrote:

@4_proud_provinces You'll love the awesome animations. The eye-candy, pleasant scenery and action sequences are worth the nice little purchase.

(My negative review was focused more on its ability to play chess; and how its defiance of the series' certain tradition offends the sensibilities of long time Battle Chess veterans. I'm sure the younger 2000-2020 generation can't relate to it.)

My most important criterion when evaluating software is how buggy it is. You mentioned some of the bugs, and the fact that it crashes. Could you go into a little more detail on that aspect? (How often does it crash, what OS are you running it on, etc.)


I honestly haven't played GameofKings in more than 3 years. They could have updated the software by now. 

Though, if I'm not mistaken,some recently have still reported bugging issues, such as a chessman or two losing coloration on its mesh; and crashing.

BattleChessGN18 wrote:

I honestly haven't played GameofKings in more than 3 years. They could have updated the software by now. 

Though, if I'm not mistaken,some recently have still reported bugging issues, such as a chessman or two losing coloration on its mesh; and crashing.

Okay. I'll just assume it's still buggy unless we start seeing reports to the contrary. (Assuming we can determine that the reviews are real, lol.) Thanks again.


Well this is interesting. Yesterday, @Swen7AWinter had closed his account; Now I see that it has been reopened. However, I also now see that the account of @EytanRozen has been closed for abuse. Huh, imagine that...

Swen7AWinter wrote:

Well, I didn't close my account and I don't have any intention to do so. Mine was hacked or let's say was logged in by someone and closed my account. Contacted support and retrieved my account back but I have no idea what happened to @EytanRozen though. 

Sure, buddy... lol

You didn't use "FBI" as your password, did you?

Swen7AWinter wrote:
EscherehcsE wrote:
Swen7AWinter wrote:

Well, I didn't close my account and I don't have any intention to do so. Mine was hacked or let's say was logged in by someone and closed my account. Contacted support and retrieved my account back but I have no idea what happened to @EytanRozen though. 

Sure, buddy... lol

You didn't use "FBI" as your password, did you?


C'mon, I'm not a kind of a person like you who uses their username as its password. But based on your phrasing, it still seems you're sarcastic about the fact I'm an FBI agent. Now, why don't you be a good boy and ask @BattlechessGN18 whether I'm an FBI agent or not? Sometime yesterday, I sent her my department ID card and I think she's positive about that. For privacy purposes, I request @BattlechessGN18 NOT to send my I'D here.

~~~Joel John Cyril~~~

Deputy Administrative Officer,


Scathing? haha, hardly. I'm just enjoying the ridiculousness of everything related to you. So you're concerned about your privacy, yet you send your "department ID card" to a complete stranger on the internet? And you think that she believes you?  I'd guess that it's highly likely that you're wrong about that.