
Help fund Battlechess


That's okay, babe'ums. Unless you're some dastardly shuttersome schemist to be kept away from, you'd likely receive a kiss on the cheeks from me, nevertheless. grin.png

<3 <3


So Battle Chess is just chess with animated fighting? The fighting doesn't actually accomplish anything? I'm sure there's a certain charm, but the novelty would wear off quickly. It seems to me that a much more interesting game would be if you actually had to fight the battles. For instance, a queen would be very powerful, but have only so many hit points: a rook couldn't defeat a queen, but could weaken it to the point where the next battle against a rook would end badly.

But I congratulate you on trying to keep the game alive. I'm sure it holds a special place in the hearts of many players.

NikkiLikeChikki wrote:

So Battle Chess is just chess with animated fighting? The fighting doesn't actually accomplish anything? I'm sure there's a certain charm, but the novelty would wear off quickly. It seems to me that a much more interesting game would be if you actually had to fight the battles. For instance, a queen would be very powerful, but have only so many hit points: a rook couldn't defeat a queen, but could weaken it to the point where the next battle against a rook would end badly.

But I congratulate you on trying to keep the game alive. I'm sure it holds a special place in the hearts of many players.

Yeah, I think that's pretty much it - sort of a one-trick pony. But I guess they made the decision to stick to the rules of a regular chess game, so the only thing that could be entertaining was the capture sequences.

Although I never actually finished a full game, I think "Chess Maniac 5 Billion and One" was a much zanier attempt at chess.


I just typed a long, developed response to both repliers, and for some reason, my browser page went corrupt with an error-page. I refreshed, and it was all gone. All the time and effort spent in putting together a well thought-out post...

I'm not typing all of that again; not right now, as I'm really tired and probably will go to sleep very shortly.

**smacks head** meh.png meh.png


Ouch. I've learned the hard way to make long posts in a text editor (with periodic saves), then copy-and-paste into the browser. It's more work, but safer.


lol I do that every time, after I make the mistake of typing it directly into the forum's type box, and it gets erased/deleted. Of course, by then I don't need to do it: I already made the mistake, and the second time I'm naturally much more cautious, wary and careful. tongue.png tongue.png


What happened to all the trolling in this revived thread from 2012? Now it's some kind of lovefest.

DrSpudnik wrote:

What happened to all the trolling in this revived thread from 2012? Now it's some kind of lovefest.

Yeah, it's much more fun when it's BattleThread...


I remember the old battle chess (late 80s, early 90s).

You couldn't start the game without entering a code from this decoder ring thing it came with. It seemed like a ridiculous hassle as a kid (if you lost it, then you couldn't play the game!) but looking back it must have been to make it a hassle for people to buy a single copy and sharing it with all their friends.

Swen7AWinter wrote:

You got the truth now. I'm not creating accounts making it look multiple people are agreeing with me. A troll is a troll...

Ah, you moved to the states. Welcome!

I never accused you of being an alt - Someone else did, but not me.

However, you still don't know what the definition of trolling is. This thread isn't and never was a troll. Please look up the definition. And there is absolutely no restriction in the TOS on reviving old threads - I know, I read the TOS after this thread blew up.

llama47 wrote:

I remember the old battle chess (late 80s, early 90s).

You couldn't start the game without entering a code from this decoder ring thing it came with. It seemed like a ridiculous hassle as a kid (if you lost it, then you couldn't play the game!) but looking back it must have been to make it a hassle for people to buy a single copy and sharing it with all their friends.

Yeah, back in those days, piracy was a big deal to the video game industry. Code lookups in manuals, code wheels, etc. The companies basically had to do it to survive, but that didn't make it fun for the legal user of the game.

Swen7AWinter wrote:

I told it was a troll because a posting on an old, abandoned thread in the Discussion Forums that has been considered 'dead' for a while is called a necropost. I guess (Not sure) it breaches certain TOS of the site.

<sigh> So you admit you're not sure. Shouldn't you make sure you're right before shooting your mouth off? A necropost is not the same as a troll. A necropost can be either a productive thing or a nonproductive thing. The TOS doesn't allow trolling, but it doesn't reference necroposting at all.


JoelCyril_6A_Autumn, whose alias is now @Swen7AWinter, obviously knows that he/she is being dishonest.

He/She deliberately misused @DrSpudnik's reference to those silly-hearted trolls back in 2012 (likely referring to those two or three who were discussing forking over credit cards) as some evidential support that EscherehcsE's involvement and my reviving this thread are troll behaviour; ultimately using a completely irrelevant earlier example of a different kind of trolling  to call him and me trolls for "necroposting".

Please note here and here that he/she was applying to be a moderator; despite having no known prior ties to our online community. (Those 'applications" were the only threads which he/she had started!) If he/she is still passionate about this endeavor (to become a mod), what he/she is doing here in this thread is not helping him/her towards reaching that goal.

I said so from since JoelCyril_6A_Autumn aka @Swen7AWinter came to disrupt our thread, and I will say it again now: his/her own behavior is akin to a troll's. He/she completely had nothing to contribute to the topic of Game of Kings, and when we told him/her to stop it, he/she continued to argue over whether or not this thread belongs in off-topic; when it obviously doesn't. 

BattleChessGN18 wrote:


Please note here and here that he/she was applying to be a moderator; despite having no known prior ties to our online community. (Those 'applications" were the only threads which he/she had started!) If he/she is still passionate about this endeavor (to become a mod), what he/she is doing here in this thread is not helping him/her towards reaching that goal.


Now that's an understatement. Assuming that the TOS prohibits something without actually reading the TOS.


 @EscherehcsE Heh, you may kindly call it charity; most especially since I'm the kind to have a hard time being blunt to someone with the painful truth.


Swen7AWinter wrote:

Firstly, my name is John Joel, an undercover/clandestine FBI agent working for my country's Department and Cyber Cells. I know this may be a bit hard to digest but I'm saying the truth, ready to even send my Department Identity card. I know I'm not supposed to say it but told for the sake of Misunderstandings.

Now listen carefully to what I'm saying since it's all the info I could collect till now:

1. The OP, @frymuchan created his account in May 2012 in which he was last seen on the same day, never played any games, and has only got 1 point- which he attained through this forum post. If you look on the 1st page of this forum, you can see that the main intention of the OP was to fund battle chess and the rest of the comments were relatable to it. Funding is a breach of TOS and doesn't allow it. I want you to go look at the 1st page of this forum before saying anything.

2.  According to my assertions, @BattleChessGN18 seems culpable because the username is the most relatable thing to the topic and I think the OP created this account as he thought to boost the forum comments as it was bygone a long back ago, hence he posted on this long-lost forum topic just to stimulate the views of this topic and I must say the course of this plan by the OP is very interesting to analyze. 

(Now If you trying to reply that you're not @frymuchan, ask yourself why you posted on this abandoned topic now? It makes me infallible to believe that you are the OP according to the given evidence.)

@EscherehcsE, I guess you know why I came to the states now...

I debated with myself whether to even respond to your latest post, since at this point I think I'm just wasting my time. (I probably should just let @BattleChessGN18 respond, but I'll try one last time.)

Firstly, I don't buy this "FBI undercover agent" story. I don't think an FBI agent would voluntarily out himself. He would instead work quietly with staff in the background to accomplish his sense of "justice". The fact that staff doesn't appear to be doing anything to help you is very telling. Also, why would the FBI be wasting its valuable time and resources to get rid of an inconsequential thread on a chess forum? It makes no logical sense.

The one thing that I will agree with is that the OP (@frymuchan) clearly was just trying to bring attention to the new Battlechess Kickstarter campaign. No argument there.

Now, there is nothing in the TOS prohibiting "funding". If you do a word search for "funding", you won't get any hits. However, the TOS *does* prohibit advertising. So, in my opinion, it boils down to whether discussions of Kickstarter campaigns constitute advertising. The answer isn't clear to me, so I think that would be the site's responsibility to make that call. As I stated previously in another post, a number of discussions of Kickstarter campaigns have been started in the "Chess Books and Equipment" forum, and those threads are still present to this day. So, either the site is good with discussions of Kickstarter campaigns, or the site has avoided the issue to date.

In my opinion, if the site feels it needs to address the issue and decides that Kickstarter discussions shouldn't be allowed, then this entire Battlechess thread should either be locked or nuked. Even if that were to happen, there would be no prohibition against someone starting a new thread to give his (or her) opinion on the quality of a particular software program.

Also, in my opinion, it's clear what you are attempting to do. @BattleChessGN18 came out with a negative opinion on the new Battlechess program, and for whatever reason, you don't like that. (I have my guesses for the reason, but I won't go there.) So, now you are doing everything in your power to get rid of this negative opinion, including making a direct, public accusation against @BattleChessGN18 for using an alt. I suspect that your recent attempts at becoming a mod was just another approach at trying to get the thread nuked, locked, or banished to "Off-Topic".

When you first started posting here, I was trying to stay neutral, but I believe that your escalating antics are showing your true colors and motives.


Swen7AWinter wrote:

I understand the fact that you didn't know I was in service, But since it's known now give me the respect I deserve.

Imho, you haven't shown anything that deserves my respect. Yes, you can continue making these silly posts, and I can report you to staff if I so desire. (Oh, and kiss goodbye any hopes of becoming a moderator here, haha.)


@Swen7AWinter - Actually, a better suggestion to @BattleChessGN18 would be for her to create a new thread giving her opinion on the software. That way, she could block you from posting in her thread.


We have officially jumped the shark.

Maybe the shart as welll.

DrSpudnik wrote:

We have officially jumped the shark.

Maybe the shart as welll.

But should we have gotten the FBI's permission before we jumped the shark?