Chess Openings

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What is your top 1 opening 🤔 ✨️ in chess by Chess_Strike_is_mate 250
23 hrs ago
Opening Roulette July Edition: The Slav Defense by Wind 8
4 days ago
How to surprise white in the italian by ibrust 4
7 min ago
Looking for lines against Queen's Gambit Declined + e3 instead of Nc3 by TehShader 6
12 min ago
why do you play the bongcloud opening? What’s the benefit? by spideypowers 18
27 min ago
Good chess book on how to play the poisoned pawn najdorf for white? by Sixten_Strand 3
2 hrs ago
Jan Gustafsson's List of Good 1.e4 Defenses by LeGambiteer 4
4 hrs ago
7 hrs ago
how to destroy scotch opening by Pickle7777777 21
7 hrs ago
How do you crush the Philidor Defense? by Musikamole 65
7 hrs ago
Wich opening is your most winning one? by Liel2012 3
8 hrs ago
Do you guys know how to counter the Van’t Krujis Opening (e3)? by dodi12114 2
9 hrs ago
Sicilian defense mengarini variation by jiju__k 42
12 hrs ago
The ICBM Gambit by epicNeev_1234 65
19 hrs ago
Creating my own opening? by Marcus-101 289
19 hrs ago
Make Your Own Chess Opening! (Gambit, Defense, etc.) by NeonCx2 4
19 hrs ago
Which opening is the best for white? by idkwhat_2_puthere 10
1 day ago
What is the best Meme opening? by AidenChess88 5
1 day ago
King's Gambit Traps by DTM99 7
1 day ago
The Top 5 Most Underrated Chess Openings! by Gamificast 46
1 day ago