Sirius Chess Club is a group for members that are as serious about their Astrology as they are in their Chess.
Feel free to apply, but we expect a basic working knowledge of some astrological systems and to be respectful of others beliefs.
To some, the name might sound like a mere pun, but it reflects how brightly our passions and dedication burns for Celestial Wisdom:
“We are led to Knowledge through our Belief - Knowledge applied with Love gradually becoming Wisdom."
We initially founded this Club with two basic principles:
One being a platform for progressive thinking chess players to hang their hat (we are open to other Esoteric Wisdom such as alchemy, hermeticism, spagyrics, tarot, gnosticism, etc.).
The second is to encourage dialog between adherents to Western & Eastern Astrology, learn from each other and perhaps correct any misconceptions we may have of the others' scientific arts.